Random pic thread.

Uh,we've had something new before,remember the tea party??? All that done was split the republican voters.

So what was the alternative? Vote the lesser of evils? The "republicans" we have had since Reagan (and he had his problems too) have been democrat lite. Keep voting for the one the powers of the GOP choose for you and you will get Romney, McCain and Jeb Bush.

I have been done with that crap since they replaced Maine's delegates. It is going to be painful, and yes dems may get elected. But it is the only way to fix it.

I don't want to split the republican party, I want to tear it down. Destroy it.

Then we can once again run a successful campaign featuring a person who will fight for true individual Liberty.

Curing a cancer involves surgery, pain and some dead tissue. Leaving it in means a slow death.
Saw this in Concord today. I think the guy was trying to do a u turn. He was sunk about 6" in the mud.


How the hell is this shit legal ?
This not the "random thought" thread....