Random pic thread.

Really? Ignorant and offensive is what this post really is. Quoting Plato at the bottom, in the same post, about reason and knowledge makes it rather ironic. Two things painfully lacking from the post.

I am offended that your offended.
How about we make it so nothing gets posted that offends you?
I guess you would like to repeal the second amendment too?

The quote from plato VS. my post? How about Obama getting up on national tv and whining abouit how his gun control was dropped. He did his best to be a bully & was shot down. this justifies my opinion as true belief. He acted like a baby.

With that being said;

go fuck yourself & your opinion..
If there was a dislike option I would have hit it.

Sent from my mobile Toyota base using Tapatalk
Let me correct my statement I wouldn't touch that shit with a 20 ft pole.

Sent from my mobile Toyota base using Tapatalk
Sent from the Delta Quadrant


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