Random pic thread.

37 SSR is a really great tire.
I noticed a stronger gas smell than normal while mowing over the past couple weeks. At first, I thought I'd spilled a little when filling up the tank or something. It was low on gas yesterday so I filled it up again - this time, ensuring that I didn't spill a drop. I then started mowing. The gas smell was still really strong and after beginning to feel something dripping on my leg, I decided that something was definitely wrong. Pretty sure that this is the culprit:
Do mice actually eat the plastic they gnaw on, or do they use it for nest material, or what?
I noticed a stronger gas smell than normal while mowing over the past couple weeks. At first, I thought I'd spilled a little when filling up the tank or something. It was low on gas yesterday so I filled it up again - this time, ensuring that I didn't spill a drop. I then started mowing. The gas smell was still really strong and after beginning to feel something dripping on my leg, I decided that something was definitely wrong. Pretty sure that this is the culprit:
View attachment 222813

Had 1/3 of my push mower gas tank eaten by what I suspect to be Squirrels. At first I thought one of the kids had done some crap to bust the tank but upon further inspection I was able to see some pretty good sized teeth marks around the edges.

Father in law works at a hybrid day Lilly farm. He brought some of the lesser quality ones home and planted them last year. Wife is 5'7" for comparison. They sell the hybrid buds for $100+ each all over the world.

I'm double posting in the home resto build thread.
Finally got our old 1902 house painted, it was built by wife's grandparents We are putting our personal touches on it. Huge improvement. You wouldn't believe the locals reactions. Its been white for 100+ years.
Old look
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