View attachment 264352
New cart since I got tired of wasting time digging for tools. $150+tax.. samurai lost the timing belt due to idler lock up and the van is getting a motor.. much more waiting outside.
Nice shop!
Thanks brother.. I absolutely cannot get any better deal than I do here.. it's mine to use and whatever, as long as I do the owners cars (dealer) at a discount for him. He picks up the bills.. he's mentioned he owns it and it's separate from the car lot and he's older so I don't think he'd mention that without a reason..
It's 3 Bay, technically, 5 but one is storage and one is paint... I don't use the paint bay, it's on the other side of/with the window.. my back was about against the wall in the corner by the storage, which is added on as well. Ceilings are only like 14' if that high. The lift is a symmetric without the top. Have to watch the ceiling.
Thats a lot of grime!!! Nice lookin find.View attachment 264392 View attachment 264393 Picked up a new project over the weekend.
Nice rig, but I'd take some @mcutler shock mount links over those any day.
Nice rig, but I'd take some @mcutler shock mount links over those any day.
Wonder what kind of leverage ratio is going on on those? I have seen that type of application many times. Even in the front but not that much location differences between load points..The math would be interesting. If I could understand most of it, that is...Nice rig, but I'd take some @mcutler shock mount links over those any day.
That thing already popped up on my instagram feed.View attachment 264392 View attachment 264393 Picked up a new project over the weekend.
Looks to be about 2:1. Also means the force required to hold up the sprung weight is also ~2:1 and occurs right in the center of the link, which is the weakest point...Wonder what kind of leverage ratio is going on on those? I have seen that type of application many times. Even in the front but not that much location differences between load points..The math would be interesting. If I could understand most of it, that is...
Shame it wasn't kept in a Barn!That thing already popped up on my instagram feed.
View attachment 264406
Oh my Lord, what a waste of a perfectly good pair of 78-79 f350 axles. That matching set is worth more than the whole Jeep is.I was digging through some old photos of the All Breeds Jeep Show up here in Pennsyltucky from a number of years ago, and ran across some photos of this gem... I still can't believe this dude had this shit on display in the show area... much less in public! I actually saw him drive it... from a distance, I thought it wasn't horrible. Typical jacked up to high-heaven too-tall CJ.
View attachment 264421
Upon closer inspection, it gets so much better. I didn't feel safe standing anywhere near it. But it was your standard issue train wreck. You want to look away, but you just can't!
View attachment 264422 View attachment 264423 View attachment 264424 View attachment 264425 View attachment 264427 View attachment 264428
Nice shop!
As my sweet southern momma would say: They are "different"...Didn't see a WTF in random I submit this...???....
Did you find this photo or take it? Funny as hell the guy with the wtf look on his face but he’s the one that has his ass hanging out of his pants.Didn't see a WTF in random I submit this...???....