Random pic thread.

New shoes

Pulled the bed off my F350 so I can beat the the headgate back in from where a concrete truck rammed my buddy's metal brake into it the other week. Hopefully I'll be putting a flatbed in its place in the near future though.
Wasn't that "Warriorwelding", that had an unfinished flatbed for sale? Me think it was for a dually though.
My previous employer has serious management issues and they have reached a point where people will not tolerate it any more and are finding other jobs, especially the engineers (myself included). All around the shop they have whiteboards for various topics, and this one was supposed to be a safety board for the number of weeks without a lost time incident. But someone made some appropriate and humorous edits:

View attachment 302908
Fuller done it! :p
That reminds me of something I saw but couldn't get a picture. South of Atlanta on I85 I saw a chrysler 300 flat towing a Mitsubishi that had an Acura on a dolly behind it. Pretty sure they were all bought at auction as all had some damage on them. Several other vehicles flat towing 2 behind but the 300 took the prize. I had to see at least 4 of this set up going down 85.

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Vets are a diverse group, I know of a retired SGM whom was in delta then went through selection as a SGM so he could go to 1st group, He drove a Prius.

Wasn't that "Warriorwelding", that had an unfinished flatbed for sale? Me think it was for a dually though.

Oh, I've opened that post up a couple times. I do want to make it dually but I think I'll come out cheaper buying a used one already together....unless he gets crazy and wants to give it away :D