Random pic thread.

I found a fresh opossum head in my one of my bushes early one morning. Thing was cut pretty clean right about the atlas and was set perfectly on the outer edge looking right at one of the cars. Thought someone was pranking us for a good hour. Looking around the yard I couldn't find any signs of anyone entering the yard from the back and nothing had came from the front. Finally looked on top of the house and saw what was left of the body including a slight blood trail leading down to where the head was. Totally forgot owls like to decapitate. Damn thing rolled off 2 different degrees of roof and landed about a perfect as someone could've set it in that bush to freak someone out.
The neighborhood skunk paid me a visit last night. I am glad he did. Been trying kill them bastards all week. Went through 4 cans of spray. Even used a cup of Dawn liquid down the hole and filled it up with water to get it nice and foamy. They just made a new entrance the next day. I would have used the Jeepin Matt method if it wasn't my neighbors fence post. :D

Guess who is not on the ih8mud forum
Man that would look cool in the garage.
I dont think i could stand to look at it. Im pretty messy and lazy but some things set off ocd. Cool as hell though
I know they say people and their dogs look alike, but damn that might as well be a selfie
There's no need to insult Axel like that