Random pic thread.

dang bagworms ruined my tree.........
it's still green ontop, maybe it'll come back?
I was hoping maybe? I plan on leaving it and seeing, those trees have caught heck, the deer rubbed them down to nubs once, i ran over two of them and me being ignorant and dropping them down into a gallon pot sized hole of solid clay to start with didnt help and now these worms.
All I remember is they were $60 dollars a dozen LOL, and that fit the budget, the best ones or should I say the least molested ones are over 10' tall and the worst one is'nt 3' I think we planted them 6 years ago at 1'. I plan to till around them again and mulch heavily for the winter.
They look like Leylands, a buddy planted a row of them for privacy and they quickly turned into a 15' wide 30' high wall of green. He had a friend make a topsoil berm about 3' tall and 8' wide between his house and a neighbor and planted them about 6- 8' apart. He also had 4"s of mulch ontop the whole berm. They about doubled in size each year. I think his were 6 or 8' tall when planted and were more expensive than the smaller potted ones. I'm sure a small hole in red clay might stunt their growth.
Those aren't Leylands, they are Arborvatie Thuja. And if the bark is unharmed by the worms (continuous bark from bottom to top without any gaps all the way around) I think there's still a good chance it will grow back since it still has enough leaves to collect sunlight and do the photosynthesize thing. I'd wonder if Seven-dust would help cure bagworms??? Another suggestion would be to get another small one started right next to it just in case??

Difference though: Leylands grow about 10x faster. and 10x more susceptible to diseases. I would only recommend Leylands if you have at least 10-15' of future depth in your rows front to back. I work with a guy that has 20+ year old Leylands at 70'+ height with about 25'+ base and a trunk size of 16"+ dia and still rockin'. I have a row of Leylands I started from 1 gallon buckets at 4' spacing. I cut every other one at 5 years and now looking at cutting every other again at going on 10 years. And I top them every other year now at around 28'.
A nursery in Holly springs on Sunset Lake Road going towards Fuquay tried a row right next to the road once and had to keep them trimmed so much you only saw fresh cuts all the time. They cut them down after about 5-6 years.
The Thuja's grow extremely slow compared and are great to sculpture. I've seen some awesome creativity with them! And if they stay healthy, you only have to top like every 7-10 years maybe??? Unless the sky's the limit.
Thought they dug nightclubs more
Why is the car not on tracks? And when it implodes why do the wheels come off the ground? Ive seen train wrecks and the wheels just fall out because the car just sits on top of the axle.
My guess is it's a training film, wheels are secured to the tank.