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Looks like the big 1 beside my house, just by the picture. But mine drops those little leaves that most called Pin Oak, which we found is not correct. Mine also drops the little oak nuts. Squirrels Love it!
Water oak
Took this while walking today. This is one of the original Mount Holly Schools. Now surrounded by other school buildings. I spoke a few years back with Gaston Co. School Maintenance, about it's condition, after I saw some vandalism. It is condemned, just not posted. Further questions lead to replies such as, No money to demolish it, contains Lead & Asbestos, plus permit & demo cost. That's a Damn shame! Someday it will cave in, & they will Have to remove it! It's not just Gaston Co., Shameful that Schools 50 years +, are still in use, in America!

Federal Works Agency (FWA) (1939) On April 3, 1939, President Roosevelt signed the Reorganization Act of 1939. The purpose of the law was to restructure the executive branch, with the goal of reducing expenditures, increasing efficiency, and eliminating overlapping services


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F350 dump truck has only ever run mediocre since I've owned it. Anyway the "pick up coil" in the distributor died on me last week. For anyone familiar with 80s-90s Ford efi, you've got to pull the "SPOUT" connector out or apart in order to set base timing. Anyway long story short, good news I got the distributor in dead nuts the first try, bad news is the spout connector has been missing this whole time so the truck has only had 10 degrees of fixed timing. Should be like driving a race car now.
I'd say you got it [my tree], even the nuts/seeds. But, the pics in goggle, also show a slick/slimmy looking bark too.There are several versions of Water Oak.
Had a willow oak in my front yard that covered the place in nuts. Always thought it was a pin oak until I cut it down and shared a picture here.
Water oak

WIllow oak or water oak.
A water oak will have a diamond shaped leaf or the leaf will flare at the end.
Willow oak is a straight pin leaf.