Random Thoughts.....


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That statement goes back to the days when I worked for a pavement marking company. A superintendent over the handline crew named Derek used to use that one all the time on the trainees. Basically it was simple heads up warning; meaning that some of the worst drivers on the road typically drive a 4 door car of no significant brand. It only took a few minutes working out on the road to figure out he was spot-on, correct, validated, word to ya motha, point taken.
In pavement marking, you have four different crews. Temporary paint (goes down within an hour of fresh asphalt having been laid), Marker (reflective markers adhered with hot tar), Long line (4",5" or 6" wide yellow or white doubles, skips, mini skips, suicides, etc) and then there's Handline, (RR crossings, arrows, Chevron's, stop bars, X-walks, SCHOOL, etc). Handline is the crew I worked on. It was by far the roughest because it involved setting up temporary lane closures and pacing out cones for every stop. Everything we did involved the permanent application of Thermoplastic. Molten temp is above 340 degrees and it's ideal working temp is around 375. The material is as imagined, melted plastic that starts as a powder and is applied in liquid state and then cools into a hard durable crust that has bonds with the road surface immediately.
Whenever we'd set out to lay down an arrow, stopbar, or whatever, we would obviously have to set up a lane closure for us to work in and to keep cars from driving right through it. If a car tire did roll through it at the right time, the molten plastic would fling up and bond itself to the painted sheet metal and almost always destroy the paint job, not to mention leave tire tracks that we had to go back and fix. No matter how non-obstructive our closure was, some asshat in a car would drive right through our cones and ruin our fresh thermo. Even if there was less than an inch of room clearance between the cones, us, or our trucks that they could squeeze into, they would. And it was 99% of the time a compact or midsize car. Damn near always.
Whenever you're wiping your butt, you reach a point where you say "yep, good enough".

Tis true
Charmin flushable wipes. You're welcome. (Disclaimer: they don't really dissolve as advertised, so just through them in the trash. They allegedly clog sewers/septic tanks. Wal-Mart brand is ok, but tears easier.)
Charmin flushable wipes. You're welcome. (Disclaimer: they don't really dissolve as advertised, so just through them in the trash. They allegedly clog sewers/septic tanks. Wal-Mart brand is ok, but tears easier.)

The things 2 kids who grew up in church together talk about as adults...
That statement goes back to the days when I worked for a pavement marking company. A superintendent over the handline crew named Derek used to use that one all the time on the trainees. Basically it was simple heads up warning; meaning that some of the worst drivers on the road typically drive a 4 door car of no significant brand. It only took a few minutes working out on the road to figure out he was spot-on, correct, validated, word to ya motha, point taken.
In pavement marking, you have four different crews. Temporary paint (goes down within an hour of fresh asphalt having been laid), Marker (reflective markers adhered with hot tar), Long line (4",5" or 6" wide yellow or white doubles, skips, mini skips, suicides, etc) and then there's Handline, (RR crossings, arrows, Chevron's, stop bars, X-walks, SCHOOL, etc). Handline is the crew I worked on. It was by far the roughest because it involved setting up temporary lane closures and pacing out cones for every stop. Everything we did involved the permanent application of Thermoplastic. Molten temp is above 340 degrees and it's ideal working temp is around 375. The material is as imagined, melted plastic that starts as a powder and is applied in liquid state and then cools into a hard durable crust that has bonds with the road surface immediately.
Whenever we'd set out to lay down an arrow, stopbar, or whatever, we would obviously have to set up a lane closure for us to work in and to keep cars from driving right through it. If a car tire did roll through it at the right time, the molten plastic would fling up and bond itself to the painted sheet metal and almost always destroy the paint job, not to mention leave tire tracks that we had to go back and fix. No matter how non-obstructive our closure was, some asshat in a car would drive right through our cones and ruin our fresh thermo. Even if there was less than an inch of room clearance between the cones, us, or our trucks that they could squeeze into, they would. And it was 99% of the time a compact or midsize car. Damn near always.

See, now that I understand. It always seems to be some prick in a camry that cant see the big red truck with the flashing lights, and then looks surprised when they see a bunch of folks in reflective vests in "their" lane.
Why do they always put the mouth hole on the wrong side of the top of a beer can? :shaking:
Publicly addressing a person in the utmost obscurity of surnames imaginable is an example of the expert level of "F'n with people".

Try it, it's a gas.
Arguing with someone who is in a supervisory roll is bad enough when you ArE a temp. Full disclosure isn't part of the details.

Arguing with poor grammAr, no punctuation, and incoherent wording just makes my eyes roll. Especially in a text message.

Followed immediately by a phone call asking if I got the text was icing on the . Dude slow your role and know your position.

Edited : for the English police.....
Rest of you folk probably got the gist of my post.
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The answer to the question "How many margaritas does it take to forgot your child and your credit card at a Mexican restaurant while on vacation?"...

.....is two.

True story, witnessed at the next table while at dinner tonight.

Location of restaurant please?
If the drinks are that strong, maybe i can forget being married for 35 years.
To a lying, cheating whore.

Just sayin...
Arguing with someone who is in a supervisory roll is bad enough when your a temp. Full disclosure isn't part of the details.

Arguing with poor grammer, no punctuation, and incoherent wording just makes my eyes roll. Especially in a text message.

Followed immediately by a phone call asking if I got the text was icing on the . Dude slow your role and know your position.

But it's ok in forum posts.:p
But it's ok in forum posts.:p
Yep guilty I reckon...
You should read the other gibberish. I was having a venting moment from a "meth-magician".
Gotta go to Maine, sorry.

Sorry for what, smartass?
Portland, Bangor or what?
Do they have killer ass lobster rolls?
You assume too much about this old pissed off black dude.
Sorry for what, smartass?
Portland, Bangor or what?
Do they have killer ass lobster rolls?
You assume too much about this old pissed off black dude.

Sorry as in "not local". But yes, killer lobster rolls everywhere. I think we had one almost every day at lunch, unless I was eating an Italian sammich from Amato's. I have a lot of extended family in the greater Portland area.
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Going to be in Portland for a day next week.... what's the inside details?

Dunno, I rarely ever do anything in Portland, I just go to a lot of the surrounding area. I know there are a lot of highly regarded restaurants and coffee shops there though, most of which I've never been to. :D

If you like really pretty outdoor stuff, go to Cape Elizabeth and visit Two Lights State Park. The Lobster Shack (on the rocks nearby) is decent, but a little pricey ($20 lobster roll, etc). Two Lights is about 5 miles away from Portland. We always go there at least once to play around on the rocks and look at the ocean.
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