Random Thoughts.....

No doubt, though that probably describes half the restaurants in Boone.
I have done welding in a few a cross the board....it applies to everyone I've been in and under.
I have done welding in a few a cross the board....it applies to everyone I've been in and under.
My dad worked in commercial refrigeration all his life. I've heard plenty of kitchen stories. But my favorite was the Chili's manager with the injured leg who used their crutch tip to break up the ice that was frozen together in the ice bin.
I have done welding in a few a cross the board....it applies to everyone I've been in and under.
We were tasked by Troxel and associates to renovate a seafood joint in statesville. Greek owned and part of a HUGE Greek family network. In fact, I learned SO much from sitting down with that family. I actually knew a few of the cousins, who now had their OWN restaurants....but that's another story

Anyway...site visit for said fish house came at 9am. We met the owner and entered thru the kitchen. The first thing I see are 20 UNCOVERED fryers under the hood with coagulated grease. This white sea of much was peppered with flys that were trapped in the cloudy mud.
I assumed when the kitchen staff came in they would scrape the flys off, but no...they came in, fired up the fryers and the flys were consumed and burned up in the hot oil. I've no idea if they then screened the oil and removed the flys....but that was enough for me.
Thankfully the family decided to build an all new restaurant in front of the old one and demo the old.
Greens are the debil!

Twas a great day to run several hundred feet of 6' chain link fence in an asphalt parking lot.
Black crows really do love hunting cicada bugs, and they're actually decent at it.
**Sips morning coffee*
A flying thing attacking another flying thing = captivating.
It's Beam...there's no real loss there
Well damn, that's kinda harsh :lol:

Granted, I do enjoy the finer bourbons these days (when I do actually have some in the house...). I will admit that I cut my teeth for my bourbon taste on Beam though. Hell, if I run to the store and am having a hankering for some of the nectar of the gods, I'll still grab a bottle of Beam if I'm feeling particularly cheap.
Bosses went home early for Happy 'Merica Weekend. Streaming 5FDP. It's amazing what this combination does to get the thinking juices flowing and gettin' chit done.
I don't care if I was driving up the dust bowl inducing half mile long gravel road to the top of the Charleston County landfill in my rusty,paint faded, gear grinding 89 D350 cumminGs diesel... that bald eagle that flew 20 feet over the hood of my truck was one of the most majestic sights I've ever seen.

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I don't care if I was driving up the dust bowl inducing half mile long gravel road to the top of the Charleston County landfill in my rusty,paint faded, gear grinding 89 D350 cumminGs diesel... that bald eagle that flew 20 feet over the hood of my truck was one of the most majestic sights I've ever seen.

I hear ya! Top end of John's island, Cottageville, those roads up there are just cool.
I hear ya! Top end of John's island, Cottageville, those roads up there are just cool.

lol this wasn't one of them roads...this was on the landfill property heading to the top. :p I know what you're talking about though, something so cool about riding down an old dirt road lined with century(s) old live oaks
Sitting here in awe watching the hot dog competition...not so much at the number of hot dogs being eaten, but how most of these competitive eaters are so frickin skinny. It’s not like these are one time calorie dumps. These guys train to be able to consume 20,000 calories at a time. On top of that, most of them have full time jobs, so their life isn’t just eating and hitting the gym.
Sitting here in awe watching the hot dog competition...not so much at the number of hot dogs being eaten, but how most of these competitive eaters are so frickin skinny. It’s not like these are one time calorie dumps. These guys train to be able to consume 20,000 calories at a time. On top of that, most of them have full time jobs, so their life isn’t just eating and hitting the gym.
It comes with working like a dog in the heat. For me personally hot dogs are a little drab, but I'll challenge anyone to an oyster and shrimp eating contest starting now. What's a gym?
Only my dog would get stuck in a damn cow feeder. Bern missing for hours. I get home and start walking, find her inside the neighbors feeder completely tuckered out and pissed at the world. Its low enough for her to jump up into, but she couldn't get a grip to get back out.

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What does anyone stand to gain by lying to their mechanic?

Me: you change the oil regularly?
Customer: yeah

Motor: sludge & low oil pressure hot...

Obviously he was lying. Talked to his cousin. "yeah he never changed the oil in the whole time he has owned it." "How long has he had it?" "Two and a half years"

Gee, I wonder why I'm having problems with the VVT returning to proper timing @ idle.. low oil pressure and it's oil pressure actuated. (08 f150 5.4).

Going to try thick oil..

Oh and the oil pressure gauge on those trucks are glorified idiot lights - no pressure sender, just a switch. No wonder it don't change except if the engine isn't running. STUPID!!
What does anyone stand to gain by lying to their mechanic?

Me: you change the oil regularly?
Customer: yeah

Motor: sludge & low oil pressure hot...

Obviously he was lying. Talked to his cousin. "yeah he never changed the oil in the whole time he has owned it." "How long has he had it?" "Two and a half years"

Gee, I wonder why I'm having problems with the VVT returning to proper timing @ idle.. low oil pressure and it's oil pressure actuated. (08 f150 5.4).

Going to try thick oil..

Oh and the oil pressure gauge on those trucks are glorified idiot lights - no pressure sender, just a switch. No wonder it don't change except if the engine isn't running. STUPID!!

My wifes Trailblazer: stalls, engine light

My wife: whines

me: did you get the oil changed 4 weeks ago when I told you too

my wife: ......

me: .....

I hate oil pressure actuated VVT.
I don't like or trust anyone who drives a car.