Random Thoughts.....

Wait, so you don't sit around with your friends and bash your wives? I mean, I would never do that, but I've heard of it 🤔
lol I'm gonna tell you, I've got it good. My wife treats me really well and isn't high maintenance, what more could I ask for? I thank God daily for her, because I know how some of these other wives are...
Am I the only one here who likes who they married?😅
I like who I married.
But that was 22 years ago, I don't always like her today :laughing:
Am I the only one here who likes who they married?😅

The most accurate marriage description I've ever heard is...you've never loved someone so much, while simultaneously wanting to smother them with a pillow. My wife may piss me off sometimes...even most of the time, but there's not a person on this planet I wouldn't separate their lower jaw from their skull, for her...if she so instructed.
The most accurate marriage description I've ever heard is...you've never loved someone so much, while simultaneously wanting to smother them with a pillow. My wife may piss me off sometimes...even most of the time, but there's not a person on this planet I wouldn't separate their lower jaw from their skull, for her...if she so instructed.
100% accurate.
The most accurate marriage description I've ever heard is...you've never loved someone so much, while simultaneously wanting to smother them with a pillow. My wife may piss me off sometimes...even most of the time, but there's not a person on this planet I wouldn't separate their lower jaw from their skull, for her...if she so instructed.
See, I differ from you on the last part. My wife can be a bit irrational so she would first have to explain why someone needed their jaw separated before I made the determination of whether it was justified or not.
See, I differ from you on the last part. My wife can be a bit irrational so she would first have to explain why someone needed their jaw separated before I made the determination of whether it was justified or not.

‘Wife’ and ‘irrational’, that’s being redundant.

But that was my point, my devotion is such that, it wouldn’t matter whether it’s justified or not. But on the whole, my wife has been a good influence on me and refined me a helluva lot more than I was 15 years ago…from a low class, alcoholic with a propensity for violence, to the charming and cheery disposition you see today. For anyone that’s ever met my wife, she’s the definition of living in a rainbows and unicorn bubble, and I like keeping that bubble and innocence in tact…if there’s a disruption to that bubble, I have no qualms about restoring the order.
Y'all suck for posting all these snow pics.
If I could refrain from making frivolous purchases like a dual 12 sub box with twin Kicker comps and 1600w amp to go in the Silverado (complete, ready to install), that would be fantastic. Damn you, Amazon.
If I could refrain from making frivolous purchases like a dual 12 sub box with twin Kicker comps and 1600w amp to go in the Silverado (complete, ready to install), that would be fantastic. Damn you, Amazon.
But with your music variety all the parts will get tested...me think you wouldn't settle for radio shack fuzzy noises and extra rattles while chillin to music.
But with your music variety all the parts will get tested...me think you wouldn't settle for radio shack fuzzy noises and extra rattles while chillin to music.
I still remember 20 years ago riding around in all the cool dope cars high on, um, life....blaring all the hottest songs on the radio, watching cracks in the windshield get longer every time the bass hit.
Nope, never got over it.
Now there's YouTube music premium.
Is it really safer for fuel trucks and school buses to stop before crossing a railroad crossing that’s monitored with a gate?
And the drivers still don't even look both ways.
THAT Goes back to Mike Rowes Safety Third concept.
And as you know, your automatic transmission powered ride only stalls out when you're looking directly at a train barreling towards you at 25mph.
The most accurate marriage description I've ever heard is...you've never loved someone so much, while simultaneously wanting to smother them with a pillow.

Right now this same quote could work on for my daughter. She will do something that amazes me and then immediately do something that has me like wtf!
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I just can't keep a neat, clean and orderly garage. I see pictures of some guys garages and they are clean and very neat and organized. I don't know how they do it. My wife has suggested buying a bunch of those cabinets, but dang they are expensive, and I would need a bunch of them.
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I just can't keep a neat, clean and orderly garage. I see pictures of some guys garages and they are clean and very neat and organized. I don't know how they do it. My wife has suggested buying a bunch of those cabinets, but dang they are expensive, and I would need a bunch of them.
This is me. I love a neat, clean garage, knowing where everything is, and I can never get it to that point. I feel you on this one.
I just can't keep a neat, clean and orderly garage. I see pictures of some guys garages and they are clean and very neat and organized. I don't know how they do it.
My experience is that those guys are complete assholes.

Seriously, I've never met a guy that had a pristine, tidy garage that wasn't a shining turd. Or just never used it.

(yeah I probably just stepped on some toes... but I said what I said.)