Random Thoughts.....

If you do this wrong, I hate you. I mean I really hate you. You’ve probably taught this to your offspring andit will continue.
View attachment 374797If you do this wrong, I hate you. I mean I really hate you. You’ve probably taught this to your offspring andit will continue.
Man, I see this ALL THE TIME near my daughters daycare. People just don't get it. Also something else I have seen alot lately, is people getting in the middle lane and making a u- turn.... no light, no stop sign, just the middle of the street.
Man, I see this ALL THE TIME near my daughters daycare. People just don't get it. Also something else I have seen alot lately, is people getting in the middle lane and making a u- turn.... no light, no stop sign, just the middle of the street.
Had a guy do it today. I was creeping up thinking he’d take the hint, go around me and do it properly. Nope. Cut it to the inside and then looked at me wondering why he couldn’t see oncoming traffic. Idiot.
Had a guy do it today. I was creeping up thinking he’d take the hint, go around me and do it properly. Nope. Cut it to the inside and then looked at me wondering why he couldn’t see oncoming traffic. Idiot.
Its insane. Instead of trying to make it harder to own a gun, they need to make it harder to get a DL.
View attachment 374797If you do this wrong, I hate you. I mean I really hate you. You’ve probably taught this to your offspring andit will continue.
Both look wrong to me. It shows the car actually looking before pulling out in to traffic. Gotta do it Charlotte style and just keep rolling. Ain't stoppin for nobody!
I would absolutely love to hear your plan for where the money will come from to pay for all the local services then.

So you think it's the Gobernment's business how many people live in a home?
I don't know...all the other taxes and fees we pay?
Maybe spend less?
Maybe raise the pay to play zoning and building and inspection fees?
Maybe just make it even for all households? Raise some a little bit, lower others a little bit. Not tied to your property ownership...you don't pay you get a visit from the IRS....just like all other taxes.
Maybe if you claim dependents on your taxes some of your income tax goes to schools?
Just a few ideas ... anything to get away from the current system that is 100% unfair and broken and prevents you from really owning your house and land. How on the world did property owners allow this to happen? And continue to allow it?
I do this all the time. Not sure what the problem is if I can make the 180 cleanly and yield properly.
I think the problem is you more than likely have people behind you further back who are using a proper turning lane and you obviously being up further is gonna hit the break in traffic before the person behind you and so the people in the turning lane are now having to wait on you and possibly another batch of traffic behind you before they can turn.
So, back to random thoughts...
I've been married to multiple women for over 13 years. If my wife heard me say that, she would be pissed. If she found out they were all her, she would be even more pissed. 🤣
Which one/how many would be pissed? Perhaps there's one in there somewhere that would say "ooh, kinky..." :laughing:
I think the problem is you more than likely have people behind you further back who are using a proper turning lane and you obviously being up further is gonna hit the break in traffic before the person behind you and so the people in the turning lane are now having to wait on you and possibly another batch of traffic behind you before they can turn.
In my hypothetical I basically whip it and roll so that no one in front of or behind me is inhibited, and if I have time to whip it and roll, the people behind me have time to turn. And if they can't get turned in the time it takes me to whip it and roll, they are too slow, and probably would have been too slow anyway, and are the reason traffic gets backed up.
In my hypothetical I basically whip it and roll so that no one in front of or behind me is inhibited, and if I have time to whip it and roll, the people behind me have time to turn. And if they can't get turned in the time it takes me to whip it and roll, they are too slow, and probably would have been too slow anyway, and are the reason traffic gets backed up.
Yeah man, def not pointing the finger at you personally. I just never understood why someone would pull over in the middle lane and sit there and wait to make a u turn if there is a faster, safer option for them to get where they need to go. It just doesn't compute with me is all.
I don't know...all the other taxes and fees we pay?
Maybe spend less?
Maybe raise the pay to play zoning and building and inspection fees?
Maybe just make it even for all households? Raise some a little bit, lower others a little bit. Not tied to your property ownership...you don't pay you get a visit from the IRS....just like all other taxes.
Maybe if you claim dependents on your taxes some of your income tax goes to schools?
Just a few ideas ... anything to get away from the current system that is 100% unfair and broken and prevents you from really owning your house and land. How on the world did property owners allow this to happen? And continue to allow it?

here's my belief...if the county tax office thinks my home is worth $100,000 or $1,000,000, then the homeowner should be able to take their keys and deed of the home to the tax office and walk out with a check for the amount the county "believes" the property is worth.
When a liberal asks me why I'm not on Twitter, TikTok, Facebook, IG, Snap, or whatever, my answer is simple:
It's not that I'm a bad person that does bad things all the time, it's because I don't want people like you knowing what I do or what I'm about any of the time.
Some of the best music ever is either your age, or your parents age.
Am I the only one that can't go into a Lowe's and immediately get a shit pain? Happens to me all the time lol
Happens to me at Harbor Freight, every time 😂
There’s an Airbnb directly across the cove from me. Probably not 200 yds. There’s a large family renting it for the week. They have a teenage girl sitting out there tonight with a guitar and a voice for the radio. Free concert on my back porch. She’s absolutely crushing it. Everything from Jolene to Tennessee whiskey. It travels so smooth across the water. She sounds great. We’ve been whistling and cheering her on every time she finishes a song in hopes of keeping her playing. Feels like a Friday night instead of Tuesday.