Random Thoughts.....

Being a parent really opens up a part of your heart you didn't know you had.
When my son was laying there in the French fry warmer crying, I walked up and said "hey little buddy"... Instantly he stopped crying and I placed my finger in his hand. He gripped my finger and looked in my direction. At that moment I knew why my mother made me ride my bike home when the street lights came on back when I was a kid
When my son was laying there in the French fry warmer crying, I walked up and said "hey little buddy"... Instantly he stopped crying and I placed my finger in his hand. He gripped my finger and looked in my direction. At that moment I knew why my mother made me ride my bike home when the street lights came on back when I was a kid
oh man... It all comes full circle when you become a parent. You finally understand why your parents did the things they did but didn't understand then. Now, I get it and appreciate it. I can't tell you the amount of times while I am at work and just want to go talk to my daughter and just say "What's up?" and give her a hug. I am so notorious for looking back at the night before and thinking " I should have done this or done that, or let her stay up just a little longer" It really is a hard balance of protecting/letting them learn and I just haven't found that line yet.

It also reveals a large amount of rage you didn't know you had as well.
This is also true.
Outer Range is the strangest show since Lost. It’s Yellowstone meets Xfiles.
The definition of a submarine is not just a ship that can go underwater... but one that can come back up.
@RatLabGuy Books and reality sometimes are different. I'm qualified in submarines, so I know a little about this.
@RatLabGuy Books and reality sometimes are different. I'm qualified in submarines, so I know a little about this.
And I'm qualified in words and internet arguing.
So I know a little about everything.
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@RatLabGuy Books and reality sometimes are different. I'm qualified in submarines, so I know a little about this.
You'd like some of my home decor. My wife's grandad was a submarine commander and later a sub rescue ship commander. We've got dolphins everywhere. He commanded the skylark if that means anything to you.
You'd like some of my home decor. My wife's grandad was a submarine commander and later a sub rescue ship commander. We've got dolphins everywhere. He commanded the skylark if that means anything to you.
I know the skylark, thresher, scorpion. These words stab me in the heart. Just reading that in your post, I had to sit back and catch my breath. In the day nothing bothered me. Things I was a part of and just being there. Subs are dangerous no matter what they do. Freaks me out today. In the end though, it never happened, I wasn't there.
Freaks me out today. In the end though, it never happened, I wasn't there.

I would gladly exchange good bourbon and cigars by a campfire for a few (very fictional) stories
Am I the only one who breathes through their mouth? I don't see what the big deal is.
Here is some crazy shit for you.
Mouth breathing as opposed to nasal breathing causes a reduction in total basal metabolic rate. When you are overweight excess weight on the upper diagphram makes you more likely to mouth breathe causing you to become more over weight.
What a feedback loop, eh?

Parasympathetic nasal breathing walks are a thing. I wish I did them more.
Here is some crazy shit for you.
Mouth breathing as opposed to nasal breathing causes a reduction in total basal metabolic rate. When you are overweight excess weight on the upper diagphram makes you more likely to mouth breathe causing you to become more over weight.
What a feedback loop, eh?
Makes sense. Blowing the same amount of air through a smaller tube requires more pressure, which is more work for the lungs. Same with masks I suppose. See, the government was trying to help us after all!
How is it fair / moral / just to set someone's home property tax based on some perceived arbitrary unrealized value?

The single guy that lives in a $300k house next to a family of 4 in a $200k house should pay more taxes? They use the same police/fire/ems, use the same roads, use the same services, not to mention the single guy doesn't utilize the schools.
Who allowed this to happen? And for so long?
My first act as commissioner will be to abolish property taxes, or at least set a value that everyone pays.

What a crock of sh t
How is it fair / moral / just to set someone's home property tax based on some perceived arbitrary unrealized value?

The single guy that lives in a $300k house next to a family of 4 in a $200k house should pay more taxes? They use the same police/fire/ems, use the same roads, use the same services, not to mention the single guy doesn't utilize the schools.
Who allowed this to happen? And for so long?
My first act as commissioner will be to abolish property taxes, or at least set a value that everyone pays.

What a crock of sh t
Because teh moar richerer u r, teh moar gubmint servixes u youse.
How is it fair / moral / just to set someone's home property tax based on some perceived arbitrary unrealized value?

The single guy that lives in a $300k house next to a family of 4 in a $200k house should pay more taxes? They use the same police/fire/ems, use the same roads, use the same services, not to mention the single guy doesn't utilize the schools.
Who allowed this to happen? And for so long?
My first act as commissioner will be to abolish property taxes, or at least set a value that everyone pays.

What a crock of sh t
I would absolutely love to hear your plan for where the money will come from to pay for all the local services then.

So you think it's the Gobernment's business how many people live in a home?
I would absolutely love to hear your plan for where the money will come from to pay for all the local services then.

So you think it's the Gobernment's business how many people live in a home?
They come and ask every 10 years, so I suppose so.
They come and ask every 10 years, so I suppose so.
1- thats voluntary
2 - every 10 years isn't exactly useful for evaluating your tax base
I would absolutely love to hear your plan for where the money will come from to pay for all the local services then.

I honestly don't see why you shouldn't pay a little more per kid. In my county, the vast majority of the budget goes towards schools anyway. I'm all for anything to disincentivise(sp?) people from having children they can't afford.

1- thats voluntary
2 - every 10 years isn't exactly useful for evaluating your tax base
You ask!