Random Thoughts.....

So your fingers have tips but your toes do not. You can tip-toe but not tip-finger.
If I learned anything in middle school, it's that you can IN FACT, tip-finger šŸ˜ŽšŸ¤˜šŸæ
Heard a great Turkish proverb today.

When a clown moves into the palace, he doesn't become king, the palace becomes a circus.

Apply as you wish.
A couple Christmas Eve snacks and my old man doxie Cole has successfully ran me out of the living room with the gas he is blowing this morning. šŸ¤¢
We switched up some dog treats a while back to give my dude some variety. Directions were one treat a day. My kids were giving him like 8 a day. He farted for a week and it was horrible. He likes to lay beside my recliner and it was like a funnel from his ass to my nose. You could hear him shit when he went out. It was like a super soaker running out of water. Straight Taco Bell explosive ass. Good times. I feel ya.
We switched up some dog treats a while back to give my dude some variety. Directions were one treat a day. My kids were giving him like 8 a day. He farted for a week and it was horrible. He likes to lay beside my recliner and it was like a funnel from his ass to my nose. You could hear him shit when he went out. It was like a super soaker running out of water. Straight Taco Bell explosive ass. Good times. I feel ya.
We tried giving ours the doggie ice cream and got the same results
A couple Christmas Eve snacks and my old man doxie Cole has successfully ran me out of the living room with the gas he is blowing this morning. šŸ¤¢
Our oldest had to have cancer cut out of his butt, they ended up having to take part of his butthole. He is... leaky. Jump up to fast fart, scare him farther, bark to hard fart. And they are some nasty facts.

I'm just glad he doesn't poop everytime he farts
ā€œ50 years from now, we will look at the internet like people look at smoking right now.ā€
-Some standup comedian my wife was listening to

I found it deeply profound even though it was supposed to be a joke.
Man I miss a lit tobacco product. Instead of: Man I can't do without infinite knowledge good or bad at my finger tips.

I use the Internet almost daily for some random calculations or tid bit of know-how. Library? Books? Manuals? Museum pieces to the youngest.
Man I miss a lit tobacco product. Instead of: Man I can't do without infinite knowledge good or bad at my finger tips.

I use the Internet almost daily for some random calculations or tid bit of know-how. Library? Books? Manuals? Museum pieces to the youngest.
Thank you Al Gore! :laughing:

This flew plum over my head.
Back in the run up to the 2000 election during an interview Al Gore said something to the effect of being proud to have pushed for legislation expanding the way that the early version of the internet would work.
This was of course blown out of proportion and became people making fun of him for claiming that he invented the internet. For two decades has been a running joke meme.
I guess it dates certain people.

this been covered? is this just a simple payoff by lobbyists? could a house be built without sheathing since it won't be part of an inspection? Is it really that big of a deal to have 1 xtra inspetion with all the others that are already done?m (well supposed to be)

seems like a bad move?

what did I miss?

this been covered? is this just a simple payoff by lobbyists? could a house be built without sheathing since it won't be part of an inspection? Is it really that big of a deal to have 1 xtra inspetion with all the others that are already done?m (well supposed to be)

seems like a bad move?

what did I miss?
We have to get sheathing inspections. It's kind of a pain in the ass because you either can't start your exterior finishes until you call in your rough inspections, or you call a sheathing inspection in alone (some places won't let you call it in separate). So in theory it could slow down the building process by a month or more. I like to dry a house in, put fascia, roof. Start rough ins and exterior siding at the same time. Wouldn't be able to do that possibly.
But if you know that going in, and all houses are done that way, and that is the norm....then after the first batch our houses it just becomes part of the process.

Seems like proper sheathing is great for integrity and insulation.....2 of the top things most homeowners would want, I would think?

Any extra cost is just passed to consumer....and if all houses have that extra cost, then it should not matter to the builders
I hope Blake Lively is exposed as the mean girl she truly is (see also See You Next Tuesday) she really is in all these lawsuits.
Trying is the first step towards failure
-Homer Simpson