Random Thoughts.....

Real fabricators break Chinese tools........
I Litterally have a home made sticky note on my box pan break that reads........."don't over tighten bolts remember it's Chinese"

Real fabricators sometimes can only afford some Chinese.
The box pan break has the heavy lead paint and bondo treatment and smelled like foreign freight when it came in. Several thing where a huge disappointment but it has served its purpose. The saw and drill press where of the same brand and higher quality. They are Taiwan. All were purchased new and are now over 18 years old and still being worked regular.
People in general have lost their sense of gratitude. I used to work concessions at the Coliseum and we would have garbage bags full of popcorn, trays of hot dogs and hamburgers, and tons of cooked chicken tenders at the end of the night. We used to bring it to homeless shelters, but we had to stop because someone "got sick" after learning that the stuff came from the Coliseum. I guess they figured it was an easy way to sue the city and live on easy street since they attribute the Coliseum with the City of Greensboro. Since there was no way to tell for sure if the person was sick before, the shelter manager stopped accepting the food, so we had to throw it away.

My wife has a saying, "If you are hungry, you will eat. If you turn down food when you are hungry, you really aren't all that hungry after all and probably have never known real hunger." I'm not saying you eat moldy food, but if it was good enough for the Coliseum to charge $6 for a burger, then a homeless dude snubbing his nose at it seems a little off.
Around Charlotte, there is a Service called "Second Harvest". They collect all the unused & out of date food, from stores, vendors & warehouses. Then they distribute it to Homeless shelters & needy.
On a similar note, saw on FB today, a friend who noticed a homeless lady, living in the woods. He wants to help! Many of us told him about here being out there for 4+ years. She looks about 70, & has clothes & a coat or 2. Many Locals, know about her. She walks about 1/2 mile daily, to either Bojangles or MacDonald's. Maybe both. She seems to always have enough cash for food. I've been told & been close enough to her, to realize she is Schizophrenic, & or Bi-polar; maybe both!
She talks to people that are only in her mind, but doesn't care to talk with a real person. Anyway, he sought out some winter coveralls, Arctic sleeping bag, couple blankets, & rain gear. He's considering a Tent, depending on if the Need is there. The Lad is all Heart. We all Praised him, & wished him Good Luck
On a similar note, saw on FB today, a friend who noticed a homeless lady, living in the woods. He wants to help! Many of us told him about here being out there for 4+ years. She looks about 70, & has clothes & a coat or 2. Many Locals, know about her. She walks about 1/2 mile daily, to either Bojangles or MacDonald's. Maybe both. She seems to always have enough cash for food. I've been told & been close enough to her, to realize she is Schizophrenic, & or Bi-polar; maybe both!
She talks to people that are only in her mind, but doesn't care to talk with a real person. Anyway, he sought out some winter coveralls, Arctic sleeping bag, couple blankets, & rain gear. He's considering a Tent, depending on if the Need is there. The Lad is all Heart. We all Praised him, & wished him Good Luck

I see her at Shuffletown Diner at least once a week. Her name is Becky. She used to work for the post office before her mental health issues started winning. My wife and I, along with many others from this area, see to it that she always has meals pre-paid at the diner. What I appreciate about her is that no matter where you see her she never asks for handouts. She just wants to be left alone. I respect that. I don’t know about how she pays for food at the other places. Your friend has a good heart. I just hope he understands if she refuses his help.
That other thread got me thinking. Isn't "up the creek without a paddle" a much better situation than "down the creek without a paddle"?

All about perspective...depends on where you want to be in the creek. Silver linings and whatnot create the degree of severity.
That other thread got me thinking. Isn't "up the creek without a paddle" a much better situation than "down the creek without a paddle"?
Yeah, but current will get you down the creek, paddle or not.
Yep, the problem is that people use the terms "up" and "down" the creek backwards.
Hearing my 16 yr old daughter ball her fucking eyes out in the shower over a 15yr old friend committing suicide destroys me.
I can't imagine.
The only thing worse would be one of the departed child's parents.
Why did Jeep put marker lights on removable fenders instead of under the headlights on the new Wrangler? The marker lights have been on the grill since the earliest days. Changing stuff just to do it?

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Why did Jeep put marker lights on removable fenders instead of under the headlights on the new Wrangler? The marker lights have been on the grill since the earliest days. Changing stuff just to do it?

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the TJ was on the fender. So was the CJ10 & m151a2.
the TJ was on the fender. So was the CJ10 & m151a2.
Yes, this is true.
However, the YJ and the iconic, put Jeep on the map, CJ did, and the TJ was a mistake (that jeep recognized and corrected with the JK due to so many complaints and requests for easily removable fenders)...so my question/random thought still stands.

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Why is it so effing hard for any employer in NC to even give me the time of day? I'm so desperate to move back at this point, I'd do damn near anything...(there is a limit to what I'd do...get your mind out of the gutter!) PA sucks donkey dong, and I've got to get back to some normalcy.
Why is it so effing hard for any employer in NC to even give me the time of day? I'm so desperate to move back at this point, I'd do damn near anything...(there is a limit to what I'd do...get your mind out of the gutter!) PA sucks donkey dong, and I've got to get back to some normalcy.
Where in PA? Some parts of it aren't too bad.
Where in PA? Some parts of it aren't too bad.

Southeast PA, about 30 miles west of Philadelphia. Chester county, if you're familiar with the area. People suck, in too damn much of a hurry to notice life happening around them. But beyond my petty gripes, the cost of living is much higher, and salaries are nowhere near commensurate to said costs. That, and NC just feels like home to me every time I go there. I was stationed at Cherry Point for the last 4 years of my service. When I was given orders there, I thought it might suck, but it turned out I fell in love with the area. I would also just go back home to Texas, but my boss (wife) and I really prefer NC.
Learning to trouble shoot and repair a 4r44e might not have been a fun to learn money saving adventure.....and it's to cold for this crap on the floor.