Rear cage - need some ideas..


Grumpy, decrepit Old Man
Mar 20, 2005
Morganton NC
Here's what I have so far. I have some ideas of what else I need to do to beef it up, but I am interested in some ideas from the pro's. Even better if you can do the photo thing and show me where you would put more supports


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lets see a side shot of the rig. I don't see any X in the cage. Behind the seats? Maybe a removable tube H over the propane cylinder?
i see a few T intersections. bad.

go for X or triangles or nodes.
I am working on building triangles, but no X's at this point. I am not planning on running a spare. Some events do require one, so I am gonna make a removeable one about halfway up from the back. I have to leave the area over the tanks open since it is on a hinged lift to allow access to the tool box under it.
A nodse is an intersection of severl tubes. Very strong if done well. a T is just as it sounds, not so strong. How about a shot of the whole rig from the side?
It'll be later this evening before I can get more pics. I moved it to a friends garage so I could work on it in the light, warmth, and a concrete floor. A whole side pic might not be possible as there isn't much room to get back that far. I will try though
upnover said:
What are nodes?

Basically, a node is a point where several pieces tube joins together.. is an example. Nodes are very strong... I tried to keep joints that aren't nodes to a minimum.. Saves tube and makes it strong.

I would really try to at least get a diagonal tube behind your seats going from one top corner down to the frame.

As with my rig, a diagonal down the back tubes isn't practical sometimes, no biggie there. Gotta make compromises..

See where your rear tube comes down, and then is bent, joining to the horiztonal "belt line" tube? There's not much support there, as the tube basically "dead end"'s there...

Look at this one - See how the downtubes go to the rear and then join with the upright supports? That's a node.

Pretend your cage is made from soda straws and elmer's glue...

I'm not trying to say my cage is perfect, and though it could be better (mainly in the rear area), it has some good features that are desirable in any design
OK, Where the hoop, bent diagonal meet, and there was no support, I put a piece of heavy plate under that, and supported it with a upright from the frame. So that part is stronger now. The reason I have not but an X or diagonal behind the seat is because my seat hits it and will not allow it to go back far enough for me to sit comfortable. There is gonna be a shallow hoop that will go behind the seats, attaching at the rear of the original cage. This is where I will attach my belt system. I may be able to triangulate off of that.
ONe thing for sure I have found in my first venture at building a cage. I suck at making angles!
Never said you had to run the diagonal behind the seat from top left to lower right... you could run it top right to lower left and it shouldn't mess with YOUR seat at all.

IMO, those kind of braces are one of *the* most important in preventing the cage from moving when you flop.

This cage looks pretty well built, right? ;)


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CasterTroy said:
I even see a coupla triangles in that cage :lol:
Crap....I got more work to do :mad:

But nothing in the rear to spread force form one side to the other.