I couple of friends in my offroad club did this for awhile. Found a local guy that had a 4 or 5 bay garage that was on property tucked off in a section of town away from homes, with maybe 5 acres around it that wasn't developable.
Seems like there had originally been an old house there that burned or something and was gone, and for whatever reason the land was really sellable, maybe a perc problem, so the owner was just looking for a way to make some money back.
A bunch of them went in together to rent, it was really cheap, like $500 a month or something. Had water on an outside spigot, no plumbing or bathrooms. Guy knew they were working on their own vehicles but they had to sign a thing promising no business work.
It was a constant shit show. Always a mess, nobody could ever find their tools b/c when they were there one of their friends had borrowed something and not returned it. Parts everywhere. Everybody always complaining about the communal beer fridge getting emptied but never restocked by the emptier. As you can imagine w/ no plumbing and being remote, things just got washed outside creating all kinds of hazmat mess, guys just shit in teh woods out back, etc. One guy moved and stopped paying his share, they found a new guy who turned out to be a real pain in the ass, they basically kicked him out. Another guy sort of vanished for awhile, left his stuff there in a pile, they ended up selling some of it to cover his part of the rent. It did get broken into a couple times but oddly never majorly "cleaned out" stolen, just some random stuff.
All the guys were friends, and in the end still were, I think b/c they were all pretty young and forgiving, but it was never sustainable. Eventually the owner got pissed about the mess and clear lack of control/responsibility and booted them.
I'm with Drew, the only way it will work is to be formal and run like a business. everyone has to have a mindset of sticking to their own space and stuff. The problem is to do this you need a head honcho - somebody has to the CEO guy, the captain of the ship, to keep it in line and working out OK.
I could see maybe 3 really good friends who trust each other like brothers getting away w/ sharing things and getting along but anything else is going to be difficult.