retreads, I took the cheap solution

It's kinda like jerking it on an airplane, I guess. Nobody is gunna do it because they're scared of the outcome, but you could probably get away with it if you tried. :flipoff2:

It's sort of vague to me, really. It just says buses can't...does that really mean anything else can? By definition, I suppose it does.

BTW, the "NO, NO, NO..." sounded like a temper tantrum and it made me laugh :D Not pickin on you, just saying it was funny!
There is a place in Morganton, on hwy 70 at the Morganton Glen Alpine line that also caps tires Southern Tire is the name, wil cap up to a 31. I bought 4 a couple years ago. But traded the Jeep they were on. I paid $160 for 4 235 recaps, I traded in my tires for his.
Small Business, guys name is Randolph