Speaking ignorantly here, because I have no idea what the numbers are, but will the 7.3 box be checked more than the cheaper V8 option? Typically what I’ve seen with fleet vehicles is they’re relatively bare bones with minimum requirements, and at least with the modulars I always seemed to see a lot more 5.4’s than 6.8’s in the fleet 250/350’s...maybe the 450/550’s were a different story. I have no idea where to get those numbers from, but seems logical, cheaper engine for cheaper trucks...especially that are only about 25% of sales. To me this just feels like an attempt to pecker slap the market to be king of the hill. But it’s a hill nobody cares about any more. If you want a cheap truck, you’ll outfit it as such...if you want a truck capable towing/hauling heavy weight, you’ll outfit it as such...if you have $60-100k to drop on a truck, who cares about fuel and maintenance costs. To me it just seems extremely niche, especially with the 6.2 still being available. But I’m not a billion dollar company with all the market research, and again, maybe the bigger gas engines do outsell the smaller engines in fleet sales.