It sounds like you have alot more exploring to do in the Brown Mtn./Grandfather area. There are probably close to 200 miles of dirt roads up there. I can hit a dirt road on hwy 181 and come out on hwy 321 just below Blowing Rock without seeing pavement. I've been hiking that area for 15yrs and I still don't think I've been on all the dirt roads up there. Nat Geo has a good map of the area with every dirt road on it. Its the Linville Gorge/Mount Mitchell Trails illustrated map.
bingo. I still find roads up there and bring a map or two just in case. but you're never far from civilization really.
105 from the head of Lake James, takes you up to "the other side of Linville Falls. A couple VERY scenic places. There is a lil pull off on the right going up. You will recognize it by the berms right at the beginning. Walk out there and there is a deck to walk out on, and a rock to climb and look out over the Linville Gorge. The other place is Wisemans View.
MANY roads around these Mnt's
IF you go up 181 from Morganton just before you would turn off to Brown Mnt, there is a road to the left. Sign there says Table Rock. Part of Pisgah NF Many roads to ride in there.
Any of these roads is a good venture. Bring a pic-nic
I believe they call old 105 kistler memorial hwy. nice drive indeed.
Also there are a few roads around west jefferson that are fun to drive.
If you're up for it the road above Brevard is cool because its got about 4 or 5 waterfalls within easy hiking distance. I think it is 276.
Also coming down from lil switzerland is fun any day. Just remember to downshift the auto.
63 west of Asheville is a good paved road at night. downhill of course - never up!
Farther west, max patch and areas around there are nice dippin in and out of TN.
I used to do a lot of 'fun' driving but then gas got high.
I carried a map with me (never looked at it while driving, just turned and drove) When I got home, I highlighted the roads I was pretty sure I was on so I could remember them and even highlighted some that weren't there.
I found one the other day that has camping on it similar to Brn mt. -> Curtis Creek. It comes off of the BR pkwy all downhill.
Enjoy it while it last fellas. Gas is 2.40 in Charlotte now.