School me on fire/gun safes

Well I haven't unloaded it off the trailer yet and am scrambling to find somewhere to put it. Make an offer and I might deliver it this weekend.
And case of your choice beer and help offloading it :D
Has anyone compared Drake safes to Griffin safes? I was holding off buying a safe until I move in the next 1-2 years, but I had something happen last weekend that has put me in the market for one sooner rather than later!
Another vote for Drake Safes here. Maybe they aren't the best, but he makes a damn nice safe.
Try Sturdy Safes. I have one and I like it. They have many different interior and size options as well as steel thickness and anti theft devices. They are also totally made in the U.S.
Has anyone compared Drake safes to Griffin safes? I was holding off buying a safe until I move in the next 1-2 years, but I had something happen last weekend that has put me in the market for one sooner rather than later!
Check out integrated security systems in concord. I pulled the trigger on a liberty today. Bringing it for install tomorrow!
What liberty did you go with?
I got a good deal on the colonial 50 that had some upgrades that a guy backed out on.

I got a good deal on the colonial 50 that had some upgrades that a guy backed out on.

I got a fatboy jr during the black Friday sale. My wife and I unloaded it. It was tricky removing it off my truck. Then trying to upright it. I couldn't imagine those that are 2000+ lbs.

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I got a fatboy jr during the black Friday sale. My wife and I unloaded it. It was tricky removing it off my truck. Then trying to upright it. I couldn't imagine those that are 2000+ lbs.

Sent from my SM-T700 using Tapatalk
Pallet jack and cardboard on the floor, no biggy.
Get a Diebold/Mosler/etc TL30 or higher rated "real" safe. "Gun" safes really don't compare. The Diebold I used to have is the same internal size as the 40-60 gun safes, but weighs 2970 pounds, which is why my boat sank ;)

Somehow i missed this thread....

I've been in the business for 15 plus years and this is the truth. If you are truly looking for top of the line safe, no "gun safe" will come close. The best bet is to watch craigslist, auctions, or visit your local locksmith and find a real safe. Deals can be found on safes that have had Ther UL tag knocked off or some other type of problem (ugly, odd shaped, weird configuration inside), but be prepaired to spend some money.

Scored this one for free the other day. Going to use it to store ammo. Not sure on the weight but a toyota forklift got a little light in the rear picking it up.
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That looks like a data safe. They are made to keep the inside under 150 degrees as to not ruin discs, hard drives, or judging buy the age of that safe data cassettes. You can tell because it looks like it has an insert in it. Some even have a second door. The refrigerator type seals give it away too.
I watched a customer do this on his new flooring and the results were not good it left big indentations everywhere they pulled that pallet jack

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We put sheets of 3/4 plywood down under the pallet jacks. Never seemed to have any problems. We also had a peice of 1/4 inch aluminum for thresholds.
I picked up a Liberty Fatboy Jr last year. I've moved it twice. Moving it isn't really bad if you have 4 people and an appliance dolly. So far it has done everything that I need it to do and it looks good. You can find them on sale as well.
I got a fatboy jr during the black Friday sale. My wife and I unloaded it. It was tricky removing it off my truck. Then trying to upright it. I couldn't imagine those that are 2000+ lbs.

Sent from my SM-T700 using Tapatalk

Put down 3/4" plywood and use three pieces of small diameter pipe. You can put a heavy safe anywhere you want it.
Not sure if I'm supposed to post this in here or would be better suited for the Misc. for sale thread. But I am selling raffle tickets for the NWTF Little River Chapter to win a Drake safe. We are giving away 3 safes. A green, silver, and black safe. The black and green safe both have 3 guns in them, and the silver safe will have $1,000 cash in it. Tickets are $50 each and only 100 tickets per safe. I apologize in advance if this doesn't belong here.
Not sure if I'm supposed to post this in here or would be better suited for the Misc. for sale thread. But I am selling raffle tickets for the NWTF Little River Chapter to win a Drake safe. We are giving away 3 safes. A green, silver, and black safe. The black and green safe both have 3 guns in them, and the silver safe will have $1,000 cash in it. Tickets are $50 each and only 100 tickets per safe. I apologize in advance if this doesn't belong here.
I'd post it in the for sale section for sure or barter town not sure if there is any restrictions against fund raising or not.