School me on trailer tars

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If you need some more, they're 490 for a set of 4!

With the ability to find several brands of 17.5s cheaper than 14 ply 16" tires, I don't see any downside!
My next set will be 235s just for the floatation. With 10-12k pounds of equipment on a 4k pound trailer, the 215s sink in too much if they are off of any kind of hard surface such as gravel or pavement. That’s literally my only complaint. @Jody Treadway wanna buy a set of 6 215/75r17.5s? 2 are in like new condition and the other 4 are 80-90% tread…(I think they are like a 2015 date code or something, but zero dry rot and used regularly so no aging from sitting)
That's a good price on the Sailuns, even with the shipping. I went with some Rainforest specials that were 129 each with free shipping cus Prime. But mine see several punctures a year and I usually lose at least one completely, so I just go with the cheapest things that hold air.

You are NOT wrong. My trailer will sink in a heartbeat! I've considered 235s myself. I don't know that one could have a more heavy duty setup.
That's a good price on the Sailuns, even with the shipping. I went with some Rainforest specials that were 129 each with free shipping cus Prime. But mine see several punctures a year and I usually lose at least one completely, so I just go with the cheapest things that hold air.


I use whatever 17.5 is the cheapest. They're all Ching Chongs. I just plan on replacing them every 6 to 8 years.
Pulled the trigger Friday on a set of 17.5’s for the work trailer. All I can say is they are BEEF. Went with a 1/2” wider tire than the factory width to hopefully help with sinking when I’m in someone’s yard.