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- Aug 31, 2016
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There was a case, meh, about 12 years ago a few towns over.
Guy tries to abduct woman, she pepper sprays him, manages to get in her car, he shoots and kills her even though he can barely see.
Not saying that pepper spray doesn't have it's place, it does for non-lethal crowd control. But for personal protection, I don't think so. I figure, pepper spraying someone is an 'assault' on their person. Kind of like kicking someone in the groin. Except kicking someone in the groin is more likely to work than pepper spraying. (Buy one of those shitty key chain cans and give it a try.) If the situation didn't warrant it, expect to be sued. If the situation DID warrant it, you should be in fear of grievous bodily harm(assault/rape) or death(which is permanent) - which is sufficient for either sticking a pistol in someones face to make them stop or pulling the trigger on them until they do.
Anyone worth pepper spraying, is worth shooting.
Anyone worth tasering, is also worth shooting.
What statistics are you using? Because that is the sort of incorrect information that leads to people making wrong decisions that may save their life.
Back in the 1990's, the CDC did a study and squashed it after the results didn't fit the narrative of the Clinton Assault Weapon Ban that sent people to jail for years for having one more cosmetic feature than allowed. Like a bayonet lug. Never mind that no one in America has been bayoneted since the Civil War era... Got one AND a detachable magazine AND a collapsible stock? GASP!
Go directly to jail. Do not pass Go. See you in 5 to 10 years.
But I digress.
NARRATIVE FAIL: Newly Discovered CDC Surveys Demolish Anti-Gun Talking Points
Let's do some math. Women make up 50.8% of the population. (I'm guessing because they don't do stupid stuff when they are young like men do. Like sticking firecrackers in their butts and playing superman off roof tops).
Using the CDC numbers... 2.46 million divided by 50.8% equals 1,249,680 women who have 'admitted' to defensively using a firearm per year. (By the way, I suspect this number is low because we gun owners have an inherent distrust of government and answering questions about our guns. ALSO, I suspect women made up a larger percentage of the total, as they are the most likely to carry pistols and most likely to be subjects of violent attacks and creeped out by potential attackers.)
Taking the basic majority of 'most likely to be used against them'.. so 51% of 1,249,680 women - 637,336.8 women have their gun taken and used against them every year. I reckon that 0.8 lady almost, but not quite, gets the gun back from her assailant. Tough luck lady.
Knowing the numbers, do you think over 630,000 women have had their guns taken from them and used against them PER YEAR?
Agree and disagree.
Owning a gun doesn't make you a gun fighter, but it is a basic requirement. Practicing regularly doesn't make you a gun fighter either. But having one on you and knowing how to use it certainly increases the odds of survival in a gun fight you may find yourself in.
I highly recommend both of those things.
And there are TWO natural emotions. Fight or flight. People naturally lean one way or the other and the situation has some influence as well. My wife leans towards flight, because she's a pacifist. I lean towards righteous violence. Because I'm not much of a people person.
Exhibit A.
This feller has it figured out. Pepper spray and tasers work.... sometimes. Ive personally been tazed (stupid teenage dare...) and was able to fight it enough to get the taser and taser my buddy. Pepper spray sucks, but you is far from incapacitating.
IMHO, if you feel threatened enough to use more than your hands, its time to make swiss cheese.