Share the road........sort of

I met a guy who had a set of real train horns in the bed of his lifted V10 Ford. He talked about fabbing them on his kitchen table, he went to test the setup and it broke the the glass in the kitchen windows :eek: He was from Florida and said he liked to toot his horns at all the slow peeps who stopped at RxR crossings when trains were'nt comming and the gates were up. Mounted in the bed the sound was earth shaking, he hit it for 1 sec at a friends house in a condo community in Cary and about 5 car alarms went off!!! I think it would make bikers move over, hell it would probly make their bowels move too!!

Ive got one of these. They are like biker repellent, and people talking on the cell phone repellent, and people who cut me off repellent,........etc

Ive never run into a gaggle of bikers but the thing that pisses me off is when I would take providence rd home from an internship in CLT I would have this biker riding down Providence ( a NARROW 2 lane road for a diesel truck) holding up traffic for as far as you could see. This is typical but what reeeeeeeeally pissed me off is when all the cars stacked up at a red light he will ride BETWEEN THE LANES and pass all of the stopped cars then cut in front of a car when traffic started moving again. This would cause me to have to passed the ginger afro'ed granola man AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN.
Here ya go, read to your heart's content. Bicycle is mentioned 48 times specifically. In general, they are just lumped in as "vehicles," and the same laws and rules of the road apply universally.

About keeping to the right, although this doesn't specifically call out bicycles:

§ 20-146. Drive on right side of highway; exceptions. (b) Upon all highways any vehicle proceeding at less than the legal maximum speed limit shall be driven in the right-hand lane then available for thru traffic, or as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the highway, except when overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction or when preparing for a left turn.

this is what you do ^,haha jk i know you can get a ticked for going to fast of a bike(my dad told me a story of when he was younger and he was flying down a hill on a bicycle and got a ticket for going over the speed limit) so you have to be able to get a ticket for going to slow.
Here is an idea. Get in front of the pack, and go 10mph in your big truck. Force the whole pack of 100 riders to pass YOU!
I like that idea. I might even click my chip up to one of the extreme settings to give them a little black lung while I do it too.
Here is an idea. Get in front of the pack, and go 10mph in your big truck. Force the whole pack of 100 riders to pass YOU!

I typically do that for a half mile or so with someone that it clogging up a lane that opens in to two. I'll pass them, pull in front of them, slow down, and about the time they get ready to pass me, I'll speed up and go.
[quote="transman731, post: 1165237, member: 12146 it really pisses me off when i have a TEA time and can't get around them.[/quote]
Really Lee?
The guy I met had 2 steel trumpets off a locomotive about 3 and 4' long and a tank in the bed w compressor under the hood. He talked about all the retirees and snowbirds in Fla. and said he would often hit the horn as peeps were slowly crossing the tracks :eek: or to remind them they were driving and people were behind them when they stopped in the road for no apparent reason ( lost ) . I could feel the sound vibrate my ribcage when he tooted it!
^^^Dick move right there. All of those bicycle riders were being courteous to vehicle traffic by riding single file, right on the edge of the road.

Problem Solved...

Except that was a douche move. Every one of those bikers were on or to the right of the white line. There's no need for that, and it's likely that 90% of them could have kicked the truck drivers ass if he stopped. I despise bikes on the road, slow cruising motorcycles included, but there was no need for that.
^^^Dick move right there. All of those bicycle riders were being courteous to vehicle traffic by riding single file, right on the edge of the road.

I agree...I just thought it was funny. While I agree that we should share the road, I think cyclists should be aware of the fact that sometimes they could be impeding traffic, and by law they have to move over and let traffic pass, the same as vehicles are required to maintain a safe speed so as to not impede traffic.
I agree...I just thought it was funny. While I agree that we should share the road, I think cyclists should be aware of the fact that sometimes they could be impeding traffic, and by law they have to move over and let traffic pass, the same as vehicles are required to maintain a safe speed so as to not impede traffic.

They should also be aware that motorists can run them the fuck over and kill them.

I try to remember when I'm driving that the law of man does not defeat the law of physics, if someones vehicles is bigger you better be aware.
They should also be aware that motorists can run them the fuck over and kill them.

I try to remember when I'm driving that the law of man does not defeat the law of physics, if someones vehicles is bigger you better be aware.

My wife recently caused an accident w a Concrete truck she thought was turning right and she pulled out infront of. I told her "cement mixers, dumptrucks, tractor trailers, or anybody towing any kind of trailor has the right of way and never assume they're turning even if they have a signal on "
I ride bikes a lot, including a road bike. That said, most of my riding is not done in groups, though I'd prefer it for safety. Here in CLT there are no shoulders on any of the roads. I stay to the right unless I'm turning or alone. Granted some cyclist are probably idiots, just as some drivers are. Please use care when passing us normal types.

FYI, you don't want to hit a cyclist in a big group, even if they don't get seriously hurt. I'm very even tempered but will go off the handle if I'm threatened on my bike. I wouldn't want to be the guy with a mob after him. Cops will be the least of the worries. Not saying it is right, just saying.
I always pass bikers as far away as possible, but I often see drivers who refuse to cross double yellow to pass them when no traffic is oncomming. The lane blocking is rare around here and there are ALOT of bicyclists. My peeve lately is peeps wearing black or dark colors on bikes and scooters and no reflective gear early and late and I'm sure some of them will become statistics if they don't get wise to their almost invisiblility. W peeps driving bumper to bumper I've seen many close calls w bi-peds while driving to and from work.
10-4 on that. I wear white/yellow/orange not because I like those colors, but for visibility. I had a roll back pull right out in front of me a few weeks ago. A car saw it all and stopped next to me at a light down the street. He rolled down his window to express his alarm in watching it. I had to tell him that it is a common thing unfortunately.

Oh, and back to the above- I call them liquor sickles. We had to follow one down 73 from Albemarle once. It is a busy 2 lane road. We couldn't get by him because he was weaving between the white and yellow line like crazy. He must have done 20 extra miles on a 10 mile trip!
I ride bikes a lot, including a road bike. That said, most of my riding is not done in groups, though I'd prefer it for safety. Here in CLT there are no shoulders on any of the roads. I stay to the right unless I'm turning or alone. Granted some cyclist are probably idiots, just as some drivers are. Please use care when passing us normal types.

FYI, you don't want to hit a cyclist in a big group, even if they don't get seriously hurt. I'm very even tempered but will go off the handle if I'm threatened on my bike. I wouldn't want to be the guy with a mob after him. Cops will be the least of the worries. Not saying it is right, just saying.

Right there with you Bart. I mostly ride mountain but do some solo road rides for conditioning. I go out of my way to stay as far to the right as possible (behind the white line if room). At least once a ride, I get the clown that not only refuses to pass leaving the minimum 2 feet, required by law but goes out of his way to try and blow me off the shoulder.
The worst case was last Sunday when my wife and I rode to the lake and back and almost got run over by one of Vance county's finest. Yep, a sheriff's deputy went by us within 6 inches and never slowed down in the least. We were both on the right side of the white line. I flipped the cock sucker off, hoping he would come back to discuss the matter. No such luck. Definitely some butt head cyclist out there but please don't take it out on the rest of us guys trying to do the right thing.
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That sheriff might have been staring at his computerscreen. I had one cross the centerlines oncomming and run me 1/2 off the road in my truck on a country 2 lane. I saw him looking at the console as he passed me :eek: I was able to get back but it could have been ugly.
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That sheriff might have been staring at his computerscreen. I had one cross the centerlines oncomming and run me off the road in my truck on a country 2 lane. I saw him looking at the console as he passed me :eek: I was able to get back but it could have been ugly.

:shaking: Sounds as bad as texting and driving to me. Gotta watch some of those guys.
That sheriff might have been staring at his computerscreen. I had one cross the centerlines oncomming and run me 1/2 off the road in my truck on a country 2 lane. I saw him looking at the console as he passed me :eek: I was able to get back but it could have been ugly.
I've seen this too many times with the LEO's around here. I understand they have a job to do, but situational awareness should be #1 priority, and that means seeing what lane you're in, not fiddling with the computer.
I've seen this too many times with the LEO's around here. I understand they have a job to do, but situational awareness should be #1 priority, and that means seeing what lane you're in, not fiddling with the computer.

This is indeed a serious problem, there has to be a better way than them splitting their eye time between the road and screen.

p.s. I don't hate all bikers i'm sure 98% of them are cool peeps, just like everything else the idiots ruin it.
I think 'pack' bicycle riding should be illegal. I feel that it is a safety hazard.
The law needs to change.

Or they should be paying some sort of hi-way taxes like the rest of the users.

Same deal with the DUI scooters, they should have to pay for tags if they want to use the paved roads.

Frick'n hippies

I got behind one of these dumbasses a while back coming home from my inlaws. I was about 3 cars back and everytime someone would start to pass he would swerve over a little and make the person back off. I live in the country so I waited till there was a pretty long straight away. he started that swerving business again but this time I pulled out and matted it. the other detail I forgot to mention as that I had a load of firewood in the bed and a full trailer behind me. granted my truck could pull it but I wasn't steaming away like usual. the black cloud started rolling. I smoked out 2 cars before I got to these 2 idiots on the scooter. I slowed ever so slightly so that they could get the full benefit of my 7.3 :D Screw those guys.

edit: on the other topic of bicycles. there are a ton around here. I used to live down near Crabtree and I'd call it the Tour de Crabtree. Every Saturday these assholes would line up and take over the road. It's not my thing but if you want the road to be shared then try sharing it yourself. We've got a guy that helps our family do odd jobs around the house. Needless, to say he's a little rough around the edges. Well, he told me the other day he pulled up beside a bike and just rode there for like 2 miles. He wasn't trying to run him off the road but just make a point. He said the guy finally got pissed and threw his water bottle at him :lol:
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