Sheesh -- Home Inspector


Doing hard time
Jun 1, 2006
7, Pocket, NC
Just reviewed a home inspector's report...

One of the major "fails" were 2 plumbing vents that terminated in the attic space. He said they need to be extended thru the roof.

But...both have studor vents (AAV's). 2" PVC up from sinks.

His report says along the lines that vents into attic space can emit toxic fumes, and introduce warm humid air into the attic causing mold and mildew.

bu-bu-bu-but...a studor vent (Air Admittance Valve) only SUCKS air in. They don't VENT anything.


They oughta be licensed or something...
Sounds to me like you have two vent lines that need to be hidden inside an insulation box so they vanish...
"Yep, fixed it."
My First Home Inspector, Didn't do his job, I later found out! But I've had 3, over the years of my second house, & they have been Good. One, I'd give an Excellent!
Sounds like the guy who did the inspection on my parents old house when they sold it. Lost a sale because of him. 95% of the stuff on his report was bullshit. He even put some stuff would cause "DEATH OR SERIOUS INJURY" on the report on a crack in the chimney (that had been repaired before, it was just cosmetic) and a couple garden timbers that were steps that had sunken down a bit.
Used to be a builder and looked at them every day. Some of the shit they put on there is just to make people feel like they got something for the money they spent. If we didn't have splash blocks under the gutters you'd think the house was gonna fall.
Problem is, home inspectors are licensed under the NCDOI and the test is pretty simple.

I finally found one that is pretty good and knows his stuff, so I use him and him only.

But, many are really lame and can write up issues which are non-issues or exaggerate what they find.

Keep in mind you are required a minimum of 1 open vent that penetrates the roof. Other vents can generally be AAVs but depends on their service/type (branch, circuit, etc).
Agreed its minor (and meets code), but realistically those Studor vents can/do go bad. Had one under my sink go bad just a few months ago. Stuck open and less than a year old.
Agreed its minor (and meets code), but realistically those Studor vents can/do go bad.

I hate them, even for island applications. MUCH prefer the "Chinese loop" of actual venting