Shop night?

Still working on my shop, but working on it. Still yet to get compressor wired and plumbed. Wood stove piped in, outlet for my welder and some other stuff organized. here's where it is now.bout ready to get the wood working stuff out of the way.

Yep. Just got off the phone with upnover. It's definitely gonna happen.
I need to get some stuff sold so I can get my order in to Chase. If the world's gonna go to crap, I'll spend my last days surrounded by good people.
I will be driving my Jeep 3+ hours up to Morganton to hang out and turn wrenches. That's what I built this thing to do. Yalls excuses suck. Woosah.
All us SC brothers are sandpaper’s just like all y’all from Franklin to Corolla are tar heels.

Dum Spiro Spero
All that light, smooth concrete, and talk of heat has got my manhood feeling real small right now.

Don't. Didn't happen over night. Spend many nights with drop cords run everywhere, in the dirt, gravel, snow and mud. Only took me 58 years to get to this point
You also can have that nutsert that spins in the frame
I'm taking this as a euphamism for the guy who shows up to just drink beer, tell jokes and get in the way instead of being useful.
And yes, i'm happy to be that guy.