Simple Math


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2005

apples = 10
bananas = 4
2 coconuts halves = 2
Following that logic, Matt's answer would be right, as there are 3 bananas. I thought it was 4 at first, too.

Who knows what 3 bananas and half a coconut mean? Could be something entirely different.
ah you are right.

missed the banana count on my phone.
Me too. I think this is a trap to see who spends the most amount of time on here
These are used by Facebook page trolls to ramp up their page count by having lots of people respond thinking they know the answer
Then I have to disagree with that. Had that been the intent they would gave used the same images as before.

I did it before looking at the responses and got 14.
10 + 10 +10 =30
10 + 4 + 4 = 18
4 - 2 = 2
2 + 10 + 4 = 16

Plug thus over your picture
Guess im getn old. A friend tried to explain how his kids were being taught. Sounded like the stupidest shit id heard. I looked at this as an algebraic equation
X +x+ x=30
x + 4y +4y = 18

then sub in knowns as theyre solved
Common core!

I have never been so pissed at common core as the other day with my 5th grader. She needed help dividing by fractions. PIECE OF CAKE!!!! I loved that stuff when I was her age. Multiply by the inverse of the fraction.... DONE!

Wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They now have a whole mess of methods and pictures to draw and "strategies" to do the SIMPLEST of math. She was so confused and so was I. I told her just to do my method and if the teacher had a problem with it, call me. Teacher was cool with it (she's about my age and hates common core, too - but is forced to teach it)