Simple Math

Our oldest starts in the fall, too. It's going to take some effort to get past them having homework in kindergarten.
These are used by Facebook page trolls to ramp up their page count by having lots of people respond thinking they know the answer

I don't do Facebook. Just trying to pad my 'like' numbers on here :)

I don't know what the points do but I'm hoping to trade them in for a free trampoline cage kit or something.
I feel like it took me way to long to figure out how the answer of 14 came about after thinking it was 15 or 16. It's a fucked up problem to begin with having different pictures for the fruit.
So did the coconuts migrate by an African Swallow or European? I'm trying to determine where the coconuts went
My think is each apple is 10, each banana is one, and each coconut is one.

So one coconut + one apple + three bananas.


Pictures are different for a reason.
You missed the fruit count on the last row. 1+ 10 + 3= 14
Two ways to answer, count each of the bananas or give each picture of fruit a numerical value. 13 or 14 can be argued either way, probably the whole point of the problem is to start a Facebook argument.