

8 lug disc brakes?
Mar 20, 2005
Jonesborough, TN
I noticed something scurry at the edge of the shop around dusk. It looked like a black cat, but only saw a little. There was no smell. I started moving stuff and found a hole under the shop like a groundhog hole. I took the hose to it and thought I'd flood out the critter. After 5 minutes I went back into the house. About ten minutes later I went out and found 3 baby skunks wandering around the hole. They were about 10 - 12" long. Now I'm sure I probably saw the moma earlier.

I can't have them living under the shop. Eventually I will have problems with the concrete if they tunnel it out enough.

What should I do?
As long as it's safe, like everyone else said, .22

If it's safe, but you don't want to scare the neighbors A CB22 Long is a very quiet round. It may not cycle in a semi automatic, but you can always load 1 at a time.
lol, or you could go the humane way and trap and relocate them.
if possible i'd just keep the water going at a trickle in there for a day or so, that will probably send them on their way. Then fill it in..
Fox urine and moth balls. Fox's eat skunks, and nobody, even skunks, likes moth balls.
Hose down the hole with a big can of pepper spray. Skunks don't like it any more than people. Watch the wind or you will find that pepper spray will make everything taste like chilli for a day or so!

Eat a bunch of asparagus & vitamins. Go urinate aroungd the hole yourself.
I concur with the trickle of water, nothing really wants to live in the mud, so they should head out; once they do stuff it with moth balls and then fill it in.
Yea, snag ya one of the young uns and have it descented, train it and mess with your neighbors!