Social Justice Warriors - Go F**k Yourselves. An Anti-Apology.


Pew Pew! Vroom Vroom!
Nov 23, 2010

This was written in regards to a first time author who was just given a mega-huge trilogy book deal, then was immediately pounced upon and destroyed by SJW's and forced to cancel the publication of her book. (Which, with a deal this big, has potential for being made into movies.)

All because she created a fantasy world where "oppression isn't based on skin color".

And these SJWer fuckers, literally, have not even read the book since it hasn't been published yet. They just flipped shit on the PRESS RELEASE. Because, obviously, it's super racist for a fantasy world to not oppress people based on skin color.


(In case you aren't a SJW and unable to immediately identify the face of true evil - Behold! This pretty Asian lady is the worst of the worst of the worst and must be destroyed before she infects the rest of us with her non-racist.. which somehow makes it racist... writings.)

But this Anti-Apology applies to everyone and everything who tries to achieve their dreams.

Because SJW's have no boundaries or limitations on destroying people for being happy.

And if you -really- want to be sad. You should read her post she put up about finally achieving her dream here and receiving the super-mega-offer. It is gut wrenching to then read what happened to her afterwards.

This is Larry Correia's (super mega-successful author himself) 'Go Fuck Yourself. Anti-Apology' posted in it's entirety.


First off, to know what I’m talking about, read this: https://www.theamericanconservative...ErEnwam0kFcgddzSaFLN8hiErGvcSlYOnKFZLR_tOhtrw

Basically an internet lynch mob of Social Justice Warriors hounded an author into not publishing her book. They brow beat her. They shamed her into compliance. And now she has pulled her book, apologized even though she’s done nothing wrong, and begged forgiveness.

Seriously, read those excerpts from her blog, where she talked about her hopes, and dreams, and artistic vision… And then read about how they all got crushed in the name of Social Justice.

As an author, this makes me want to vomit. This nefarious shit is why I’ve been loud and incessant about this topic for the last decade.

So now here is my letter to the “Book Community”.

To the Book Community: Go fuck yourself.

You people aren’t a “community”. You are a fucking cancer.

People who like to read books? That’s a book community. Bullies who exist in a perpetual state of being offended, eager to silence artists, you’re scum.

If you had an ounce of self-awareness, you would be ashamed of yourself. But you don’t. So instead you pat yourself on the back for ruining yet another artist’s career, for silencing another voice, for crushing more dreams.

Fuck you. Fuck your feelings. And fuck your ridiculous claims. Fuck your perpetual offense. Take your smug, entitled ignorance, and cram it up your ass sideways, you worthless sacks of crap. You goose stepping morons should try reading books instead of burning them.

People wonder why I often fisk the bad social justice writing advice articles from places like the HuffPo or Tor. Those articles are always Don’t Do This and Don’t Do That and Write The Way We Tell You Or Else. They’re all fucking bullshit. They are maggots feasting on the dinosaur carcass of mainstream publishing.

I fisk those bad advice articles because if I can save a single young aspiring author from falling into your wretched, soul crushing trap, it was totally worth it. My goal is to expose your con, to show that your gate keepers are nutless humps, and that your Outrage Of The Day is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury but signifying nothing. Thankfully lots of people have caught on. They’ve learned that bullies only have power over you when you allow them to.

Sadly, it looks like Zhao never caught on, and she let you assholes ruin her dreams.

You create nothing. You can only destroy. You are miserable failures, and like the demons of CS Lewis, your misery makes you want to drag down everyone else too. You give one star reviews to books which haven’t come out yet, which tell us a lot more about your weird personal issues and neurosis than they do about the book you’re supposedly reviewing.

You get away with this abusive shit only because most artists are sensitive, caring types. They don’t want to offend people. They don’t want to hurt feelings. Only you lie to them. Manipulate and use them. You don’t care about their art. You don’t care about entertaining people. You don’t care about kids reading or people enjoying themselves or even the group you’re supposedly championing today.

You only care about control.

That’s why your rules are so illogical. You want—no, need—people to break them. Your rules are nonsense gibberish that changes day by day. That way even when people try to placate you, it doesn’t matter, because you just find something else to be offended by instead.

Fuck you, you goddamned communist puritans. The sooner society realizes SJWs are a suicidal dead end like unto the hippies, and everyone starts laughing at your childish tantrums, the better.


Larry Correia – bestselling novelist who actually makes a good living at this business, unlike you useless parasites.

P.S – Go back to Goodreads and give me another one star review, you fucking mopes. Each time you do I sell more books to actual decent human beings who are sick of your shit.


To Writers: Do Not Negotiate With Terrorists

Brothers and sisters, please do not fall for this con.

Artists should never let a bunch of thugs tell them how to make art. Down that road lies madness, and dreary, shitty, boring books that nobody wants to read.

These people do not care about making the world a better place. They do not care about whatever marginalized group they claim to speak for this week. They only care about bossing you around.

Saying that someone is having fun wrong empowers them. So they will always be able to find somebody having wrongfun.

Their rules are arbitrary and capricious. You will inevitably violate them.


If you write about your own culture, then they declare you are erasing another. If you write about a culture that isn’t yours, then they declare you are guilty of cultural appropriation. They demand you put in a certain kind of character, but when you do, they’ll inevitably declare you wrote them “wrong”. With “right” being a perpetually moving target.

For example, in one of my books the bad guy was a charismatic psycho criminal mastermind villain. He was also gay. Eddie turned out to be an extremely popular character, and the audience loved him. But of course I got screeched at by some Social Justice Howler Monkeys because I had a homosexual villain, and that was homophobic and blah blah blah… But fast forward a few years and the same crowd was circulating a petition demanding that DC take the Joker—a charismatic psycho criminal mastermind villain—and make him gay. Because “representation”.

Or another, I got attacked for another fantasy novel because it was set in a world loosely based on India, and how that was the dreaded cultural appropriation. Except the book sold well and was popular in the English language fiction market… IN INDIA.

Plus, these SJWs are incredibly ignorant. One of them screamed at me because in Son of the Black Sword, I had someone eating a rice ball, and HOW DARE LARRY CORREIA ASSUME THAT ALL ASIAN CULTURES ARE THE SAME AND HAVE RICE BALLS REEEEEEEEE!!!!! And my response was the google image search for “Indian Rice Balls” which was like 20 pages of deliciousness. Because let’s face it, every culture that can grow rice has at some point in time discovered it is convenient to squish it into a ball.

I got called racist for having Imperial Japan be the bad guys in the 1930s (well, duh). I got screamed at for having characters be intolerant in 1932 (even though the hero of that part was the black dude who had to eat at a separate lunch counter)… but I guarantee that if I had pretended Jim Crow or the Rape of Nanking never existed, I’d get screamed at for that too.

Over and over, so on and so forth, it doesn’t matter what you actually write, because the screaming doesn’t need to make sense. So they’ll scream no matter what you do, even when they’re factually wrong about it, or your sins are imaginary, and whatever it is they’re butt hurt about today, tomorrow they’ll be butt hurt in the opposite direction.

When the game is rigged, the only way to win is to not play.

These social justice assholes are just like the little kids who throw themselves on the toy aisle floor at Wal-Mart and kick and scream and cry, purple faced and tears streaming down their cheeks, because Mommy won’t buy them a Power Ranger.

You don’t give them what they want, because then they’ll just do it again next time. You don’t reason with the hysterical child. If they’re not your kid, you ignore them and keep on walking. If they’re your problem, you say shut up you little brat, you ain’t getting shit, because you know giving in to bad behavior leads to more of the same.

Zhao just bought them the entire Power Rangers play set and Megazord.

In this case, the purple haired tantrum throwers were wailing on the ground screaming YOU CAN’T WRITE ABOUT SLAVERY IN A FANTASY WORLD! And the author said, but it is based upon the history of my own culture and actual current events, but that didn’t matter, and the horrid brat just yelled NO NOT THAT WAY!

If you give veto power to anyone who is offended, then guaranteed, somebody is gonna declare they are offended. When being a victim grants power and social status, then you’ve got no shortage of people saying they’re victimized. The actual facts don’t matter. You just gave random assholes a license to mess with you, they’re going to do it, simply because they’re assholes.

Basically, they can only hurt you if grant them the ability to do so (or your publisher is a spineless coward, but that’s a whole different problem!) .

This transcends politics. It doesn’t matter who is screaming at you, an abusive bully is an abusive bully. Don’t let abusive bullies run your life. That’s not just true for writing, but life in general.

You want to be a creator? Good. Then go create. Make art. Make people happy. Tell the story you want to tell. And if people like your stuff, they’ll give you money for it. That part is pretty awesome.


Larry Correia – who is living proof that you really don’t need to fear social justice lynch mobs, because despite how much they’ve whined about me, I’m still selling books.

P.S. To hell with the haters. Go write what you want. Have fun. Get paid.
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Too much to read, but my feelings say there's a shit ton of toxic masculinity in that post.

If you didn’t take the time to read (and neither did I), why would you feel there is “toxic” masculinity? Can he just have a rant against all the BS men (and especially conservatives) have to endure these days?
SJWs want this sort of reaction from people. Stay true to what you believe, PC or not, and carry on. Especially without making a scene or a social movement/agenda.

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What’s more damaging, writing some sort of fiction novel in good taste but against the SJW’s ideals, or mob attacks to suppress an artist’s work and expression?

Sickening what some of these SJWs do.
What’s more damaging, writing some sort of fiction novel in good taste but against the SJW’s ideals, or mob attacks to suppress an artist’s work and expression?

I personally don't understand a person (or mob) who can read or hear something that's not a shared opinion (or even downright WRONG) and doesn't have the self control to just LET that person be wrong.

We were told as kids to "be the bigger person" and not fight. Apparently that's no longer the case. With the shield of a keyboard you can be the biggest (internet) warrior in the world without ever receiving a bruise. some point you may have to face your rival. And ya might get that bruise afterall.
Cliff notes? What's an SJW? Im lazy.
The internet has (adversely) provided a platform for all the crazies to share their screwed up opinion. And the mob joins in. So bizarre how the internet has transformed society. Especially interesting because many (most?) wouldn’t express such strong opinions without the veil of anonymity.
If you didn’t take the time to read (and neither did I), why would you feel there is “toxic” masculinity? Can he just have a rant against all the BS men (and especially conservatives) have to endure these days?

Twas merely a joke. On a scale from transgender socialist to toxic masculinity, I'd probably make Ron Swanson blush.

Also...I was trying summon my inner-current craze where the extreme left literally state logic, reason and facts don’t matter, rather feeling should dictate all. That said, I do typically tune out on emotionally fueled rants, regardless of what side is proposing. I’m not a writer, but I do know, typically if a position can’t be expressed in a concise 3-5 sentence explanation, you lose most folks...unless writing for entertainment.
Also...I was trying summon my inner-current craze where the extreme left literally state logic, reason and facts don’t matter, rather feeling should dictate all. That said, I do typically tune out on emotionally fueled rants, regardless of what side is proposing. I’m not a writer, but I do know, typically if a position can’t be expressed in a concise 3-5 sentence explanation, you lose most folks...unless writing for entertainment.

Oh, I know you were talking tongue in cheek and took no offense.

I just had a few minutes before a meeting. :)
I like it. What was put into words here is a feeling that we all have.
Let me be quirky, let me be me. Let me be independent. Let me be free.

This sums it up.
I started reading it around lunchtime and just now got back to NC4x4. :(