state employee furlough


You look like a monkey and smell like one too
May 18, 2005
Churchville, MD
While it may suck (for NC state employees), 0.5% isn't likely to send any of them into bankruptcy...

I bet it's puckers up a bunch of them and stops their "union like" practices... like the 5 DOT workers standing against the truck BS'ing, watching another run a saw (seen yesterday) :shaking:
I wonder if she is taking a pay cut herself.
While it may suck (for NC state employees), 0.5% isn't likely to send any of them into bankruptcy...

What sucks is that, although it is 1/2 of one percent of their is spread out over just two months. Employee making 40k a year, 1/2 of 1% is $200, divided over just two that's $100 less a month for May and June. Won't kill us, and shouldn't be that bad of a burden for anybody...but I know several state employees that are living hand-to-mouth, paycheck to paycheck.

But the REALLY bad part is, ol' Bev says there won't be another pay cut for state employees this year. Political doublespeak -- their fiscal year ends June I bet the state employees will see a continuation of the paycut in July. Fiscal year vs. calendar year, another lying politician.
Oh, another thing...

You know it's screwed up when, the same afternoon that this is announced...ol' Bev has to issue two clarifications of the policy....or rather, saw the backlash, and backtracked a bit.

The furlough, by the way, is not additional unpaid time's 10 hours off, to make up for the reduction in pay, to be taken June 1 to Dec 31. That was one of the "clarifications". All state employees ought to just take June 1st and shut everything down.
While it may suck (for NC state employees), 0.5% isn't likely to send any of them into bankruptcy...
I bet it's puckers up a bunch of them and stops their "union like" practices... like the 5 DOT workers standing against the truck BS'ing, watching another run a saw (seen yesterday) :shaking:

Yeah I have no problem w/ the lazy DOT guys taking a hit, it's the already underpaid, understaffed teachers that I feel for.

And yes, .5% isn't a huge cut, but keep in mind there's teh usual 3% COLA increase every year. Seein gas how cost of living IS still increasing, along w/ inflation, i nrealizty it's more liek a 3.5% hit.
Still not bad compared to all the folks who either have lost jobs altogether, or had shifts cut 20% etc.

I just come from a whole family of teachers so I'm sensitive to it. FWIW MD instituted this about 2 months ago.
Yeah I have no problem w/ the lazy DOT guys taking a hit, it's the already underpaid, understaffed teachers that I feel for.

This isn't directed at teachers in general, but name one occupation/profession in the US today (outside of government & union autoworkers :rolleyes:) that isn't understaffed or underpaid!


While I respect & admire teachers for the work they do, they're no different than a garbage man or brain surgeon... each does the task at hand for the money offered. Everyone chooses their path in life... good, bad or otherwise and must either live with it or move on to something different.

We can't all have gov'ment jobs spending most of the day posting in offroad forums. I suggest a strong dose of "Get the Fawk Over It"! :flipoff2:
Here in Burke a lot of stink going on, mainly because of 5 of the school board members. It was also reported in another article that 45 teachers jobs, and about twice as many teachers assistant jobs would be lost in our county alone.
This isn't directed at teachers in general, but name one occupation/profession in the US today (outside of government & union autoworkers :rolleyes:) that isn't understaffed or underpaid!
While I respect & admire teachers for the work they do, they're no different than a garbage man or brain surgeon... each does the task at hand for the money offered. Everyone chooses their path in life... good, bad or otherwise and must either live with it or move on to something different.
We can't all have gov'ment jobs spending most of the day posting in offroad forums. I suggest a strong dose of "Get the Fawk Over It"! :flipoff2:

I'm glad someone said it.

I have some relatives that are teachers and always complain about the $$$ they are making, etc. Hell, I'd love to make the $$$ they make for 8 months out of the year :shaking:

Plus, they knew what they were going to get paid before they signed on. I love the work the teachers do and I could never do it. But, if that field of study is paying an average of 20% less than the average college educated person receives and you know this going into it, why teach? I know $$$ isn't everything, and some really enjoy it and you choose to do that field of study, how can you be justified in complaining about low pay?

It seems very similar someone buying your car and you sell cheap, then when the deal is done, complaints are heard and more $$$ is asked for from the buyer. doesn't seem to fair does it?
I am not really sure why they are complaining. If you are making 40K/yr and they take out 0.5% that is $200 a year, $16.67 a month or even $3.85 a week!!!!! You can almost not even tell the difference there!
I am not really sure why they are complaining. If you are making 40K/yr and they take out 0.5% that is $200 a year, $16.67 a month or even $3.85 a week!!!!! You can almost not even tell the difference there!

No, it's NOT $16.67 a month, it's $100 a month for May and June. Then see what happens in July (like I said, new fiscal year).
Sorry but it is damn time that the state does what every business has had to do in the last year. 2% suffer while the 98% dont get their taxes raised. Isnt that the same logic the Dems use to justify tax increases on the wealthy?
It isnt teachers but the unions I have a problem with. I will never understand why performance and student improvement isnt tied to pay like any other non-state jobs unless the ONLY concern is teh teacher and not the students. Hopefully this will be the one and only year my GFs daughter is in public school and can return to private schools where the teachers are better paid and can be fired for being a dumbass:shaking:
the state employ union ought to get together and take their 10 hours off all at the same time.
As a teacher, I'm just happy we have our jobs and I can handle the 0.5%. I just wonder if it will come before or after taxes. I do work for 10 months (not 8) of the year, btw, and am fully aware of the money I was/wasn't going to make going in to this career. The ones that bitch and moan are the ones that shouldn't be in the profession in the first place. For me, it's not a just a job so I can pay my bills.

As for the 10 hours unpaid leave, it will be different for teachers. We won't be allowed to take it during instructional days, because substitutes will have to be paid. That means we'll end up taking that time during teacher work days which will affect planning and preparation, in turn, adversely effecting instruction.

Sorry but it is damn time that the state does what every business has had to do in the last year. 2% suffer while the 98% dont get their taxes raised. Isnt that the same logic the Dems use to justify tax increases on the wealthy?
It isnt teachers but the unions I have a problem with. I will never understand why performance and student improvement isnt tied to pay like any other non-state jobs unless the ONLY concern is teh teacher and not the students. Hopefully this will be the one and only year my GFs daughter is in public school and can return to private schools where the teachers are better paid and can be fired for being a dumbass:shaking:
Uh, teacher unions don't exist in NC. We don't have "tenure" that keeps crap teachers in place no matter how bad they are. If the public school teachers at your daughter's school are not being canned, it's the administration's fault for not acting, not some union you think exists. As a teacher in NC, you can be fired for poor performance just like in any other job. In my 12 years, I've witnessed weak teachers get weeded out just like a salesman who keeps falling short of his quota.

Also, most private schools in NC pay less than public and offer little or no benefit packages.
This isn't directed at teachers in general, but name one occupation/profession in the US today (outside of government & union autoworkers :rolleyes:) that isn't understaffed or underpaid!
While I respect & admire teachers for the work they do, they're no different than a garbage man or brain surgeon... each does the task at hand for the money offered. Everyone chooses their path in life... good, bad or otherwise and must either live with it or move on to something different.
We can't all have gov'ment jobs spending most of the day posting in offroad forums. I suggest a strong dose of "Get the Fawk Over It"! :flipoff2:

I'm glad someone said it.
I have some relatives that are teachers and always complain about the $$$ they are making, etc. Hell, I'd love to make the $$$ they make for 8 months out of the year :shaking:
Plus, they knew what they were going to get paid before they signed on. I love the work the teachers do and I could never do it. But, if that field of study is paying an average of 20% less than the average college educated person receives and you know this going into it, why teach? I know $$$ isn't everything, and some really enjoy it and you choose to do that field of study, how can you be justified in complaining about low pay?
It seems very similar someone buying your car and you sell cheap, then when the deal is done, complaints are heard and more $$$ is asked for from the buyer. doesn't seem to fair does it?
Sorry but it is damn time that the state does what every business has had to do in the last year. 2% suffer while the 98% dont get their taxes raised. Isnt that the same logic the Dems use to justify tax increases on the wealthy?
It isnt teachers but the unions I have a problem with. I will never understand why performance and student improvement isnt tied to pay like any other non-state jobs unless the ONLY concern is teh teacher and not the students. Hopefully this will be the one and only year my GFs daughter is in public school and can return to private schools where the teachers are better paid and can be fired for being a dumbass:shaking:
the only part of what you said that i have a problem with is the bolded part. you cant really say that student performance is directly tied to how hard the teacher is working or how good she is at her job. some times its the teacher but in my experience, 85% of the time its the pos kids who dont want to learn.
So we're coming up 3 BILLION short, but we are going to cut 65 MILLION. Thats about 2% of the shortfall. What is 65 million when Charmeck skools has a 1 BILLION dollar annual budget?
As a teacher, I'm just happy we have our jobs and I can handle the 0.5%. I just wonder if it will come before or after taxes. I do work for 10 months (not 8) of the year, btw, and am fully aware of the money I was/wasn't going to make going in to this career. The ones that bitch and moan are the ones that shouldn't be in the profession in the first place. For me, it's not a just a job so I can pay my bills.
As for the 10 hours unpaid leave, it will be different for teachers. We won't be allowed to take it during instructional days, because substitutes will have to be paid. That means we'll end up taking that time during teacher work days which will affect planning and preparation, in turn, adversely effecting instruction.
Uh, teacher unions don't exist in NC. We don't have "tenure" that keeps crap teachers in place no matter how bad they are. If the public school teachers at your daughter's school are not being canned, it's the administration's fault for not acting, not some union you think exists. As a teacher in NC, you can be fired for poor performance just like in any other job. In my 12 years, I've witnessed weak teachers get weeded out just like a salesman who keeps falling short of his quota.
Also, most private schools in NC pay less than public and offer little or no benefit packages.

Thank you for correcting me, I ASSumed that teacher unions would be nationwide, not state specific. I know what you have done as a teacher by reading your posts, maybe you should do some teacher training techniques. :beer: Just yesterday she was called a lesbian at school and the teacher did nothing. It really bothers me to see how much as a country we invest in education with declining results.
My main issue with this is;
#1. It's the elected officials fault our budget is the way it is, so the state employees and tax payers have to foot the bill. They need more cuts, just like families are doing. Everyone is cutting spending, guvment needs to also.

#2. BS on it's for this fiscal year. That means the cut won't be spread out over 12 months, but only 2 months. So they're losing that .5% from the annual salary at the end of the year. And they have no idea if they are getting it back, losing more, or losing their jobs next fiscal year.
And they have no idea if they are getting it back, losing more, or losing their jobs next fiscal year.

So? They can join the club with all the private sector people that have been doing that for the last nine months.
My g/f just took the hit and its not like shes rolling in dough. I think alot of her problem w/ it is that half of the people in her office don't do shit or don't even come to work and shes taking a paycut for them to keep their jobs. Cut out welfare and all this bs and let the meat get lean imho
So? They can join the club with all the private sector people that have been doing that for the last nine months.

Private sector jobs, on average, also go up exponentially with the market as teacher pay does not. Also, responsibilities rise when budgets are cut and help staff is short.

It really baffles me that people think that teachers have it so easy! Maybe you should spend a day in a classroom full of children who have so many different learning styles, but the standard to which your effectiveness as a teacher is measured is one standardized test! Besides the fact that you don't get paid SQUAT!!
I only see this as a problem for education and public health as these positions are vastly underpaid for the added value our communities reap from their involvement.
Private sector jobs, on average, also go up exponentially with the market as teacher pay does not. Also, responsibilities rise when budgets are cut and help staff is short.
It really baffles me that people think that teachers have it so easy! Maybe you should spend a day in a classroom full of children who have so many different learning styles, but the standard to which your effectiveness as a teacher is measured is one standardized test! Besides the fact that you don't get paid SQUAT!!
I only see this as a problem for education and public health as these positions are vastly underpaid for the added value our communities reap from their involvement.
You, sir, deserve several :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:
Well said.
Private sector jobs, on average, also go up exponentially with the market as teacher pay does not. Also, responsibilities rise when budgets are cut and help staff is short.

I'm pretty sure the job security makes up for it.

But let's see... how poorly paid are these teachers? A teacher in Wake County with a Bachelor's Degree, board certification and five years experience makes.... $45k a year. Not too bad, especially if it's a traditional calendar. If they have a Master's, they make just shy of $50k.

That's better than average individual income for the county, and well above NC median.

So, the pay is actually pretty decent, there's virtually zero chance of you losing your job due to economic factors, jobs are easy to find otherwise, and the downside is.... oh, I guess that you have to teach. But I'm pretty sure that you knew you'd have to put up with other people's kids all day when you signed up.

Oh! Bonus! You get to lord your "sacrifice to the community" over everyone else, and enjoy sacred cow status during every election cycle and budget meeting. Sweet!
Hmm, let's see, my company already made me take a 40-hour week unpaid, all at once and all on the same paycheck. You can bet that the difference was a bit more than a couple hundred bucks. They are already talking about us having to take another one before the end of the year.