another 2 cents
I really enjoyed the hike in the woods and meeting everyone. Sorry about the foggy memory from 40 years back, but I think we need to remember that the first order of business is to familiarize ourselves with the terrain in order to get a picture of what's there, what's feasible within those, and what out of those is likely to meet the USFS requirements with the least finagling. There's really no use to push the USFS to go with us until we have a proposal and alternatives worked out to present to them. I'm willing to go back and do more hikes to "catalog" the options, and whenever is OK by me. With a few days notice, I can skooch the schedule to accommodate the dates.
I really would like to go back to the Daniel end and hike the switchback connector possibility, if for no other reason than to refresh my foggy recollection of how I got that Yamaha trail bike from what's now the Daniel switchbacks over to the Gold Mine saddle in the early 70s. If I remember correctly, there weren't any real enviro issues, but that's not to say there aren't archeological considerations. This process is going to take time and lots of legwork (in more ways that one), so lets come up with dates.