Taken a more stressful position for more money?

Im going to give some details on the position just to put it into perspective.
Right now I am a Relationship Banker as a back up to my boss. my direct boss deals with the vault, all tellers, ATM, ATM servicing, audits, over/shorts for all tellers/vault/atm, monthly paperwork, quarterly paperwork, annual paperwork, as well as keeping track of balancing the vault, their drawers, PTO, time cards, STS (which is the people that come out to service whatever) Alarm systems, GPS, Vault for Saturday banking, reports for saturday vault, ATM audits, preparing cash for ATM, reports for armored coming out to ATM, as well as the everyday type of problems that will arise with the tellers or any of peice of equipment that we have as well as doing all the other stuff that I already have to do on a daily basis....all for $250 more a month
I used to say, "I'm a people person. I'd love to be a manager." Then I became one (a manager that is). Now, the more I deal with people, the more I enjoy my kids even on their brattiest days. I swear - either people in general are getting dumber, or my patience with stupidity, laziness and just plain arrogance has reached it's tipping point.

At this point, I'd rather manage processes and equipment than people.

On the bright side.... you will get more money - which is good.

Im going to give some details on the position just to put it into perspective.
Right now I am a Relationship Banker as a back up to my boss. my direct boss deals with the vault, all tellers, ATM, ATM servicing, audits, over/shorts for all tellers/vault/atm, monthly paperwork, quarterly paperwork, annual paperwork, as well as keeping track of balancing the vault, their drawers, PTO, time cards, STS (which is the people that come out to service whatever) Alarm systems, GPS, Vault for Saturday banking, reports for saturday vault, ATM audits, preparing cash for ATM, reports for armored coming out to ATM, as well as the everyday type of problems that will arise with the tellers or any of peice of equipment that we have as well as doing all the other stuff that I already have to do on a daily basis....all for $250 more a month

I will say this it may sound like i am being an ass but in no way mean it to be...
With some of your other post on here i think you would give yourself a stomach ulcer within 3 months worring about all the extra. There is more to life than money and the extra $150 month(after taxes) is your stress level worth it?
I will say this it may sound like i am being an ass but in no way mean it to be...
With some of your other post on here i think you would give yourself a stomach ulcer within 3 months worring about all the extra. There is more to life than money and the extra $150 month(after taxes) is your stress level worth it?
You're not being an ass at all....This is my thought exactly with this worrying. I have tried to control it and 9/10 times I am good. but whens omething gets under my skin that i can't shake....it consumes me.

I appreciate everyones input because it helps me see things or read things that Family/friends don't want to say.

I thought that I would be ok with the added stress...but after realizing all the detail and what I would have to go through on a daily basis....

Plus I have 2 older ladies (62+) that I would have to deal with that already drive my crazy
Im with Snappy on this. Dont settle for it. Ask for $500 more a month or walk. It isnt what you want to do anyways.

I'm with dumb and dumber...
I think I wanted to do this for everyone else around me and then when I finally thought about it for myself I said "hey!, what a minute!..Im going to be doing this job, not them"

The stress that I have felt for the last 2 days has been enough for me to walk.

I called my boss' boss this afternoon and told her how I was feeling. She was super cool about it and told me "I would never want you to give up a ounce of happiness for this job, it isn't worth it. If you don't WANT to do it, I don't want you doing it. There are plenty of other opportunities that will come your way and I hope that you choose the one that excites you"

which made me feel so much better.

Now I can focus on trying to take a path that I will enjoy.

So thanks to everyone who gave their input and helped me see that stress is not worth a little bit of extra money.
She's on the money, it's great you have such an understanding boss.

Now go drink a beer and relax.
Late to the party...but I'll share a tid bit of advice Ron gave me one time, albeit when buying a house, but I have since applied it elsewhere in my life when dealing with situations I don't want to deal with. Pick the one you dislike the least, and go with it. Work sucks, it's not meant to be fun, otherwise it wouldn't be called work. If less money/less stress sucks less...go with it. If more money/more stress sucks less...go with that. What I would 100% advise against is taking a role that takes you off whatever path you're on to get you to your end goal. I've passed up several positions to go to other companies/divisions for lots better pay, but the ceiling of those roles is low, or just flat out won't get me where I want. I did take one of those jobs once, lasted all of 4 months before I found myself another job that got me back where I wanted to be. Don't be wow'd by the manager title either...it's not all it's cracked up to be. I'm a terrible teacher, hold people to higher standards than I probably should, and in general, just an asshole. What I can do is orchestrate, reorganize and strategize, and luckily that compensates for my other short comings.

Right now...I have 3 promotions on the table, the one I'm choosing is the highest stress out of all of them, with the smallest pay increase. Why? Because it keeps me on my path and it's a high exposure role within the company. Not many jobs are more stressful than accepting a job and knowing that if you don't get results in 1-3 months, you're out of a job.

I personally think too many people chase the paycheck...it gets them off track, puts them in positions they don't want to be in, and that's what causes their unhappiness. If you're good at what you do and you're on the path you want to be on...your boss is exactly right, there will be other opportunities that better suit you.
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I feel so much better today. even my co workers have complimented me on how much happier I have been today vs. the last week.

All of this advice is very much appreciated.