Tech outages today


silent.. but deadly
Mar 17, 2005
Hey all,

Lots of issues today with tech outages. be prepared this may affect you

In short Crowdstrike sent an update out which broke LOTS of Microsoft computers.

SO visa, amazon, banks, airlines all having issues
guess who is sat in DC ready to fly home today watching his flight updates...

debating not returning the rental car just yet.
I have a team in pheonix trying to get home :(
We are relatively unaffected at Dell. A couple of dev systems are acting up but overall we are working as normal here.
Probably was this guy at the FAA

Our corporate sent an email saying we were affected. Lots of Microsoft here. So far email and Teams seems unfazed locally. UKG is down.
It effected my wife with Blue Cross.Her boss unplugged all the computers in the office and now they can log in and work. No effect on me.
Haven't noticed a difference here. NC4x4 is working fine, and hell with the rest of it!