Thanks, US Postal Service!


The Jeeper Reaper
Aug 9, 2005
Wake Forest, NC
You managed to drop my H2 wheel so many times and so hard that it has two flat spots on the wheel.

Oh yeah, you tested the durability of the wheel box pretty well too. It would have been nice if you hadn't of lost those giant chunks you tore off of it though.

Good job guys, thanks for all the hard work.



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2 weeks go sent a Detroit locker to a guy down in MS. Got delivery confirmation on it. Glad I did. A week later it was somewhere up in TN. The buyer had to go to the post office and get the run around for an hour before they decided that they might have screwed something up. He just got it this past Friday... At least he got it! I trust USPS the LEAST of any shipping services.
You managed to drop my H2 wheel so many times and so hard that it has two flat spots on the wheel.
Oh yeah, you tested the durability of the wheel box pretty well too. It would have been nice if you hadn't of lost those giant chunks you tore off of it though.
Good job guys, thanks for all the hard work.

I think they only read the garage forum
....sounds like the shipper didn't pack it properly
Problems like that are 90% packing. 2" of quality packing on all sides would really help. Most of my ruffstuff boxes arrive busted up with tares.
Problems like that are 90% packing. 2" of quality packing on all sides would really help. Most of my ruffstuff boxes arrive busted up with tares.

Tare? 1 a leg and groin protector used in a number of Japanese martial arts
2 a genus of nine species of tufted grasses
3 the weight of an empty vehicle or container
4 the seed of a vetch.


Tare? 1 a leg and groin protector used in a number of Japanese martial arts
2 a genus of nine species of tufted grasses
3 the weight of an empty vehicle or container
4 the seed of a vetch.



Pull or rip (something) apart or to pieces with force: "I tore up the letter".
(of the eye) Produce tears.

A hole or split in something caused by it having been pulled apart forcefully.
A drop of clear salty liquid secreted from glands in a person's eye when they cry or when the eye is irritated.

There Their they're, it'll be OK
couple weeks ago, I rec'd an empty box from USPS. I'm not sure how the sender packed it, but a flat plate had worked its way free and escped thru an slit it created during shipping.

Pull or rip (something) apart or to pieces with force: "I tore up the letter".
(of the eye) Produce tears.

A hole or split in something caused by it having been pulled apart forcefully.
A drop of clear salty liquid secreted from glands in a person's eye when they cry or when the eye is irritated.

There Their they're, it'll be OK

I was hoping they were full of leg and groin protectors.
they can never get it to my house, i always get the same thing, it says that it has been delivered and then later the next day it does, just by the neighbor kid up the and fedex seem to never have a problem though
I've always used bubble wrap when I've shipped wheels, as well as a box of course.
btw- sorry for your luck. That does suck.
Hope the seller has insurance. One of the benefits of FedEx Ground is that insurance up to $100 is included in the shipping cost. Anything over that is pretty nominal from what I've seen, but I rarely ship anything over $500 in value.

I just talked to the Post Office, they said there was nothing they could do because the package wasn't insured. So they totally fucked up a package and then are not responsible for it. Gotta love the government.
Gotta love the government.

Hey, the government is fucked up for lots of reasons, but keep in mind the postal service is technically a private entity. Don't pin THIS one on us too! lol

p.s. here we use FedEx for everything, lol.
Dave is right, the USPS is a private entity, not "technically" the US govt! Hard to believe? They are very restricted, though.

Oh, and they do suck for shipping. Kind of hard to believe that you pay for a service and expect a service with some sort of responsibility as to how the service is performed. If mishandling and damage happens, I'd expect that they should be liable regardless of insurance or not. But, thats why I send things UPS most of the time...
:lol: Sorry, didn't know that. :)

I just went downstairs and looked at the packaging again. While the USPS beat the shit out of the package, the packaging really sucked. He literally took the wheel and put it in a 17" wheel box that was about 2" deeper than the wheel and taped it up. The bottom had the cardboard reinforcement so the inner lip wasn't damaged, but that was the only packaging other than the little bootie that goes on wheels. The wheel was allowed to slap around in the box. No wonder it got damaged with that kind of abuse.
Looked like a brand new wheel ....I don't think the buffer's gonna take that out :shaking:
sorry to see it banged up like that.