Thanks, US Postal Service!

Where did ya buy em from? Maybe you can hold the shipper liable?
Dude, sorry about your wheel... that sucks.

Also, the USPS isn't a "private entity," it is an "independent establishment of the executive branch of the Government of the United States."

It has only been "independent" since the Nixon Administration abolished it as a cabinet department and created a quasi-governmental agency... as a result of a strike by postal workers. The USPS has a monopoly on mail delivery and special privileges such as sovereign immunity and eminent domain powers.

Nine of its eleven board members are still appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. Those nine appoint the Postmaster General, who then appoints a Deputy Postmaster General. Nothing about any of that sounds very private or independent to me.

The USPS has only not received taxpayer funds since the early 1980s.