The $100 fill up
Quote from the article:
Green says Americans should expect the price to increase another 25 cents over the next month and continue to climb over the summer months.

Nearby, Dolly Sarlo fills up her black Mercedes. She says it's time for Americans to "vote with your dollars and to stop using gas" and use public transportation more.

"That would really, very quickly bring down the price," she said.

She then drives off.

state gas taxes
The gas tax honestly isn't the problem. The supply isn't either, and neither is the demand. I recently heard talking on the radio about how one of the money magazines had just put out an article that said demand for fuel is actually going down in the US because of hybrids and supply is still steadily increasing due to finding new sources. So why is the price so high? I'll answer, because the arabs and the futures traders are so damn greedy. If we straight up told OPEC to fuck off, our prices would plummet. If we all started buying Sunoco gas and the such that doesn't rely on ANY Arab oil, our prices would also plummet. The arabs are doing the same thing anyone else in the world would do, capitalizing on something they have that we want. When did it become price gouging? I'd guess right around $2.00 per gallon it became gouging. But, they will keep pushing their luck until someone says no more, and then they might come down to a semi-reasonable level. $1.50 used to be reasonable, but as I believe I read somewhere in this thread, $2.50 now seems reasonable to most. Thats what they want, their plan is successful. I know they don't think they will be able to keep jacking prices up forever, but they can jack up the price we find reasonable from it. Thats what they want, because they will be able to make billions upon billions for the foreseeable future from that $2.50.
gas companies will keep charging higher and higher because we have no choice but to pay it. the gas prices are ruining the US economy.

for example, lets say i make $9 an hour, bring home $350(est) a week and i'm used to spending $45 a fill up but now i'm spending $65-70 at least 1 time a week. the increase in my gas money spending takes away from the other things i need and want to spend my 350 a week on, thus i must make sacrifices in my other things to be able to buy my gas. the increase in gas prices would be ok with me if my paycheck was at the same increase to accommodate for the gas, but no companies can pay people more because they are only charging more to make up for the increase in price of transport of the goods they sell.

hopefully that makes sense, but the moral of the story is 1) look for a job that pays for your fuel and 2) drill alaska for oil
gas companies will keep charging higher and higher because we have no choice but to pay it. the gas prices are ruining the US economy.

for example, lets say i make $9 an hour, bring home $350(est) a week and i'm used to spending $45 a fill up but now i'm spending $65-70 at least 1 time a week. the increase in my gas money spending takes away from the other things i need and want to spend my 350 a week on, thus i must make sacrifices in my other things to be able to buy my gas. the increase in gas prices would be ok with me if my paycheck was at the same increase to accommodate for the gas, but no companies can pay people more because they are only charging more to make up for the increase in price of transport of the goods they sell.

hopefully that makes sense, but the moral of the story is 1) look for a job that pays for your fuel and 2) drill alaska for oil
Fuck those polar bears. IMO, we are behind if we think that we will kill all the polar bears with a few oil wells.
Quit blaming the oil companies. Yes they are making their profit but they are also reinvesting in themselves. The real problem is the environmentalist. There have been no refineries built in thirty years. The ones we have are running at or maybe above intended capacity. We can't drill in Alaska because the Greenie's show the public the beautiful pristine parts of it not the frozen tundra where we need/want to drill. If the majority would take the time to hassle their representative government half as much as the self-righteous environmentalists, all of this would not be an issue. Get off the gas price complaint wagon and do something about it, call, write, email or visit your representatives until the majority is heard. Hell, run for office, at least you'll get a bigger paycheck even if it has to come from lobbyists. Get the wells drilled and new refineries opened, it's up to everyone.
I think I saw on the news the other day that the arabs are paying like .50 a gallon at the pumps....If all the politicians would stop trying to put money in their own pockets and do somthing for america then wed be alot better off
Anyone see the video on CNN where the guy stole 800 gallons of petrol? I am at work and cant view it, but if someone watches it and wants to explain what the hell that guy was thinking i would love to know.
We export all of our oil so the oil companies can charge more......
then we import all of our oil at a jacked up rate

if gas goes up much more I am gonna drive 30mph in the left lane on the interstate and piss off everybody, then when I get pulled over I will tell the cop I refuse to waste gas driving fast........

even with oil at over $100 a barrel, there is no way gas should be $4.00
Anyone see the video on CNN where the guy stole 800 gallons of petrol? I am at work and cant view it, but if someone watches it and wants to explain what the hell that guy was thinking i would love to know.

I saw it, but it didnt explain HOW he did it...

It was just 2 guys, accepting cash at half the value of the actual gas price to fill up peoples cars...I didnt get it.