The internet is forever... bitch.

I'm not much for making folks famous for being dipshits online. Because the internet and FB is full of them and we all say stupid stuff from time to time in the heat of the moment...

But this is someone I've had zero interaction with. He simply appeared out of nowhere, looked at my FB profile and saw pictures of my daughter, then made such a vile, disgusting, evil comment as that...


Pretty much all I can do is make his future family/friend gatherings awkward as fuck. That will suffice.

So has any of his family responded to your messages?

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Where is @palmetto zuk ?? He really shines in the online mess wif folks arena!!
what needs to be done?
Run in to him at hardees on memorial day and watch as people squirm away from him as he talks about being at the race all weekend and not showering and how even he feels disgusting. Its hilarious.
yes i was so gross
Yes... and honestly, I didn't think this through far enough to consider people responding to my msg's.

It's a little awkward.

Well now I feel like we should get to see some of the screen shots from these awkward messages. We must be entertained, lol.