The proud parent thread.

When you’re about that tie dye life and you always hear daddy talking about business. She colored 4 shirts and a pair of shoes, ‘One for me, one for mommy, make a-yotta monies on Mimi (my wife’s mother) and Cici (her cousin the same age).’

My girls love fishing as much as I do. They even cut their own bait and bait their own hook. And take the fish off the hook themselves too. This is salt water, so everything is either poisonous, electric, or wants to eat you, so they do pretty good taking the right precautions when taking fish off the hook.

Olivia also said she wants to open a hunting store when she gets older, even said she would give me a lifetime 10% off coupon. :D

My little girl turned 16 months old yesterday! She is really coming into her own and really has a great personality and loves babies and dogs. Goes crazy anytime she sees either of them. Mom and I went last weekend to get her first baby doll. Her and "Baaaaabbyy" are inseparable!
Sometimes, Its hard for me to believe that I am a Dad. It doesn't feel real sometimes. It's amazing that a chitty day can be completely turned around as soon as you see your child. I'd post on here everyday but I know that would get old real quick, but I am always damn proud of my little girl in every little thing she does.
It changes your life that's for sure!

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Proud?? Well.

A couple of evenings ago I was under a car cutting the catalytic converters off with a torch. Sometimes you can't get them with a saw and whenthe bolts are frozen the blue wrench comes out.

Jared (21) came home. Walked up to the car and asked, "what are you doing?"

I replied, "cutting off the cat."

He asked, "With a torch?"

"No. I am cutting it off with my dick, but it was dark so I lit the torch."
Proud?? Well.

A couple of evenings ago I was under a car cutting the catalytic converters off with a torch. Sometimes you can't get them with a saw and whenthe bolts are frozen the blue wrench comes out.

Jared (21) came home. Walked up to the car and asked, "what are you doing?"

I replied, "cutting off the cat."

He asked, "With a torch?"

"No. I am cutting it off with my dick, but it was dark so I lit the torch."
I laughed waaay too much at that! :D
My oldest daughter Dakota (my "A tech" ) having a silly moment. A distributor cap, pun was her intention. 97 Sonoma 4.3 tune up. She's a Ford girl at heart though. She can do 5.4/6.2 front cover, chains & guides, heads with minimal assistance.. (she has trouble with final torque stages but she's taking weight training so that's becoming less an issue)

Wouldn't normally do this ..... I believe the Biblical description of pride.
But I am thankful for what my children have accomplished.

My youngest of two daughters is a teacher, basketball coach and volleyball coach.
She played volleyball in college. Coaches both varsity and JV where she teaches.
Current volleyball season
Friday night was Senior night and the first game I have been able to get to this year.
Undefeated in conference play
25 and 2 record (less than 8 losses in 2 seasons I think)
Going into the tournament as first seed
and has one girl committed to play for a full ride scholarship (NCAA Div II)

As thankful as I am for what she did in her life ..... it's even better to see the impact she is having on the group coming up.
Small things.

Heath (7) told me that the training wheels on his bike were causing problems. I told them if he learned to ride without them it would be easier. Yesterday he took the off himself. Today he was everywhere on it. Only fell down once. Now he wants to sell the training wheels. Not sure which part makes me prouder.
I'm know my boy Sage (9) has more fun taking stuff apart/tinkering/fixing than actually using things.. at least he hasn't taken anything important at the house apart... Yet. Lol
I'm know my boy Sage (9) has more fun taking stuff apart/tinkering/fixing than actually using things.. at least he hasn't taken anything important at the house apart... Yet. Lol

Just wait. Momma came home early one day to find that my brother and I had managed not to kill each other long enough for us to take apart the entire set of kitchen cabinets. Doors off, bowls everywhere, and working on getting the floor up, the works. And shockingly, we only broke one piece!

Munchkin (my wife says hes gonna think thats his name instead of David :rolleyes: ) is now mobile. Its not a true crawl, but that little bugger can get around, and quick! We put bedrails up on the sides of the bed adn thought we were good. Nope!!! Got woke up last night for a call and as Im rolling out of bed, I find him making a break for it off the end of the bed!!! :smokin: :bounce::bounce2: Now what? LOL.
My son isn't afraid of much since I've taught him what's truly dangerous. He's 4 and freaked his teachers out when he went after the hog nose snake that was on the playground a few weeks ago.

My daughter is just plain adorable and has a way with words. Also, will get into things my boy won't attempt. At 2 years old, I blame that on just not knowing yet what she's getting into.

NCCSA DIV I State Champions

Woodland Baptist Christian School Lady Eagles


My daughter is the Coach ( Coach of the Year ) on the left holding the small plaque.
Proud of my older boy (well, proud of them both, but bragging on Chase right now), Friday we get his report card and he's got straight As again, hasn't gotten anything lower since he started middle school. Yesterday his team won the championship in a tournament. He went 4-5 with a couple walks and a few RBI. The one out he got the other team backed up to the fence and were able to get the bomb he hit. Caught all 6 innings in the last game.
All these young folks just getting started. Enjoy every minute of your time, because as cliche as it sounds, time flies!
From an old dude in the crowd, it's hard to fathom this first picture goes back to 2011.


Then after her swearing it would never happen, this happened in 2014.


They've both re-upped at this point and now we vacation with them as adults. Our girl just got engaged to a fine young man who is also in the military. She hopes to move back here from Texas soon. Our son is president of his base's Jeep club in Arizona and has saved his pennies and traded his first vehicles in on a 2017 Rubicon.

Like I said, time flies...
All these young folks just getting started. Enjoy every minute of your time, because as cliche as it sounds, time flies!
From an old dude in the crowd, it's hard to fathom this first picture goes back to 2011.


Then after her swearing it would never happen, this happened in 2014.


They've both re-upped at this point and now we vacation with them as adults. Our girl just got engaged to a fine young man who is also in the military. She hopes to move back here from Texas soon. Our son is president of his base's Jeep club in Arizona and has saved his pennies and traded his first vehicles in on a 2017 Rubicon.

Like I said, time flies...
There's a name I haven't seen in a while!

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