The proud parent thread.

Couple "firsts" last week for my kiddos. My little girl took 1st place in her school spelling bee, and my son managed to break his first bone. :rockon:


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Alright, so today was my youngest daughters first track meet. She’s a freshman and has only ever played soccer at the YMCA for 2 seasons in elementary.

Anywhoooo, the coach put her in a Varsity meet and this school is known for their girls Track team. She was soooo nervous all week. We get there and it’s 33 schools . I’ve never seen anything like this. Insane the number of kids! She was in the 3rd heat of 11 heats in the 200m. The gun sounded and at about 50m in she was already pulling away from the crowd. At 100m she was 15m ahead of second place. At 175m second place was gaining, but not close. At 3m she freaking ate it. Flat on her face. My heart sunk, but I was so damn proud of her. She was on track to finish at about 26seconds. This kid was flying! I think her head go a little too far forward.

I watched the next 3-4 heats and no one crossed that 27sec barrier. I bet she could have been in the 7-8th heat and finished strong.

This kid is fast and is going to be FAST!
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My (not so) little girl whos 3 about to be 4 in May, is starting soccer in a couple of weeks. I am not quite sure how she will do as she is a bit of a recluse, but want her to learn to play a sport and be a part of a team. maw maw and paw paw took her last weekend to get her some soccer stuff and we have been practicing in the front yard. Hard to believe she is old enough to play on a team now and just impresses me everyday with what she knows and what she can do. Why can't they stay little forever?
27 years ago, I went pot luck on rommate at App. Was in Watauga College back when it was in East (and different from what it is now). Got paired w another Wataugan who happened to be from Raleigh (I was from Cary). Friendship as roomies worked out great, we stayed together 2 years at East then 2 more in apartments.
He liked to cook, his dad was a Kroner manager and his mom worked for a Nabisco distributior, so we'd occasionally get a random giant shipment of dry good food, lol. Great roommate.

Meanwhile my wife-to-be had a string of random rommates thst were all looney in different ways.

So.... nothing helpful here, except sometimes you get lucky ;-)
You ever wonder if you're doing right as a parent and then your child does something to let you know that you most certainly are?
My 3 year old daughter has got to be one of the sweetest kids out there. She senses when others are sad or upset and will console them until she gets a smile. She just cares a lot about people. My wife and I have talked and wondered if we are too much of a helicopter parent and if we get on to her too much about making sure she does the right thing, but when we see how she does with other people/kids, it just lets us know, we must be doing alright.
You ever wonder if you're doing right as a parent and then your child does something to let you know that you most certainly are?
Happened yesterday when my 11 yo daughter asked to listen to Van Halen in the car, the requested to crank it up when Jump started.
Dual enrollment?

This seems to be an increasingly available / popular thing. All the CCs here do it now, Jonas will be taking 4 classes next year.
Yes. Cumberland County School district has three early college highschools. Two are on Fayetteville State University and Cumberland Polytechnic Highschool is on Fayetteville Technical Community College. Mark got into the Polytechnic HS because they had a computer science program.

I think it's the way to go unless your kid is really into varsity athletics. It's kind of hard to do the workload and be all in on sports.
Yes. Cumberland County School district has three early college highschools. Two are on Fayetteville State University and Cumberland Polytechnic Highschool is on Fayetteville Technical Community College. Mark got into the Polytechnic HS because they had a computer science program.

I think it's the way to go unless your kid is really into varsity athletics. It's kind of hard to do the workload and be all in on sports.
They do it differently here. Well, the county has several magnet programs that are within several schools, one of which is a tech school across the road from the high school, a lot of kids there graduate w/ a certification or most of an AA. Jonas's HS has an engineering track.
But aside from that literally anybody at any school can opt to take college courses at the local CC, and they count both toward HS credits and the college credit. So you don't have to specifically pick a special program for the whole 4 years, you can just tack on a few classes if you want. A lot of college-bound students will go ahead and do like English 101 and 102 or Calc and Stats or whatever as juniors or seniors just to get a jumpstart. This makes it very compatible with still doing band, sports, whatever. The only downside is you have to work out the logistics of going to the CC for the classes.
Welp my Daughter graduated last night. For a girl who barely made High School a priority we are proud. A really big step over coming anxiety issues, getting married, and living the broke life all at the same time.
She got these: Associate in Applied Science Agribusiness Technologies, a second Associate in Animal Science Technology, and a third in Associate in Poultry Management Technology

She made Phi Theta Kappa, Honors Grad, National Technical Honors Society.

Now we hope she can get some good employment in a field related. She puts her head down and works hard when she has the right mentorship and environment. She likes to get her hands dirty and work with animals.
Graduation season. This is my little sister, 15yrs younger…we were/are inseparable, people thought she was my kid for years. Did the high school/college credit thing, finished her undergrad and masters in 3yrs and walked today. After our older sister’s brain bleed/shift, she decided to forego sports scholarships, stay local, cherish family time and now she’s doing big things in the health care 501c3 arena.

My 3 1/2 year old just started teeball. We haven’t hit any other kids in the head with a bat, so I’m pretty proud.

Of course my mom still had my 35 year old coach pitch jersey in a drawer somewhere so that’s pretty cool to see him playing ball in it.

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Reminds me of a funny story. My son started playing baseball at the coach-pitch level, so the other kids were already a little more advanced. We got him a tee to practice off of and his older sisters were helping him by resetting the tee every time he would hit it. Apparently, they were getting a little too aggressive with their timing and he swung and clocked his sister in the head with his bat. I hear screaming and crying from the back yard and all I can understand between tears and blood streaming down her face and hands was this it wasn't his fault. I pull her hands from off her forehead to see a huge gash. I get it cleaned up and put a band-aid on it and decide to text my wife at work. "Just a heads-up, Kendall got hit in the head with a baseball bat, but she's OK. I cleaned her up and put a band-aid on it.". She tells me to send her a picture. I snap a picture and send it to her. She replies, "Dummy, I know what a band-aid looks like - I need to see what's UNDER the band-aid." She should have been more specific. My wife ended up taking her to the pediatrician who glued it and put a stitch thing on it. Apparently, mine would have left a scar, but theirs left no trace.
Yes. Cumberland County School district has three early college highschools. Two are on Fayetteville State University and Cumberland Polytechnic Highschool is on Fayetteville Technical Community College. Mark got into the Polytechnic HS because they had a computer science program.

I think it's the way to go unless your kid is really into varsity athletics. It's kind of hard to do the workload and be all in on sports.
My daughter is super over achiever. Love that child, but she is a who needs friends life is a challenge I need to conquer and win type.
She graduates Friday - has 39 college credit hours already and managed 5 varsity letters. Would have been 6 but she decided to sit out senior year softball to "take a break" you said really hard to manage the college course load and commit to sports. Plus she works a job and runs her own 501C3 she founded at 13.

God bless her. She is my retirement program.

And in the spirit of the thread at today's Senior Awards Ceremony - this award doesn't sound fitting... but the school mascot is the Cougars...

Kylie miss cougar.jpg

I'm a proud dad. And Im going to be an empty nester in a few short months...
My daughter is super over achiever. Love that child, but she is a who needs friends life is a challenge I need to conquer and win type.
She graduates Friday - has 39 college credit hours already and managed 5 varsity letters. Would have been 6 but she decided to sit out senior year softball to "take a break" you said really hard to manage the college course load and commit to sports. Plus she works a job and runs her own 501C3 she founded at 13.

God bless her. She is my retirement program.

And in the spirit of the thread at today's Senior Awards Ceremony - this award doesn't sound fitting... but the school mascot is the Cougars...

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I'm a proud dad. And Im going to be an empty nester in a few short months...
So what is the award?