Thousands of birds fall from sky

Why did this get garaged?

I'm not seeing any real politics, religion, or bewbies. just alot of funny crackpot theories.
Why did this get garaged?
I'm not seeing any real politics, religion, or bewbies. just alot of funny crackpot theories.

It's probably Hyperlite's fault.
AOL news January 7th 1:18 pm-
"Thousands of dead turtle doves, many of which had a "strange" blue stain inside their beaks, have crashed from the sky in Italy. They're the latest in a puzzling spate of birds, fish and other animals dying under mysterious circumstances around the world.

Residents of Faenza, Italy, described the fallen doves as lying in heaps on flowerbeds, crushed by machinery on the streets or "horribly hung from trees like Christmas balls," Italy's GeaPress reported today.

Initial testing of about 8,000 of the doves indicate the blue beak stain might be from lack of oxygen or poisoning. More conclusive test results may be available next week.

Just hours before the dove die-off, scientists in the U.S., Europe and Africa were debunking the conspiracy theories and "Aflockalypse" fears that have swirled around the mass bird and fish deaths in the past two weeks."
Why did this get garaged?
I'm not seeing any real politics, religion, or bewbies. just alot of funny crackpot theories.

I agree...I didn't see anything garage worthy.

Wait a damn minute. It's not in the garage. I'm confused?
I agree...I didn't see anything garage worthy.
Wait a damn minute. It's not in the garage. I'm confused?

I didnt see it untill it was in the garage ( earlier today) Its amazing how you can link seamingly random events togeather and make it seem like a plausable conspearacy.
I am SO glad I don't spend my life in fear of "the man" and his cover-ups. I couldn't imagine what it would feel like always looking over my shoulder and trying to figure out "what's really going on."

So have they figured out why this happened yet? It always seems like the media hears something like this and makes a big deal out of it immediately, as if to rile up the conspiracy theorists and religious nutjobs. Then you never hear very much else about what scientists have found or what really happened. I suppose rampant fear sells better than truth though.
Maybe the birds didnt fly south in time for the winter? Thats my theory... Its just strange its happening all over the world within the same time frame in such large numbers... Its very apocolyptic...
couple hundred more fell from the sky in lebanon, va yesterday dunno whats going on but its not normal in my opinion
I am SO glad I don't spend my life in fear of "the man" and his cover-ups. I couldn't imagine what it would feel like always looking over my shoulder and trying to figure out "what's really going on."

Conspiracy theorists are actually quite helpful to totalitarian regimes. Look at any good dictatorship or totalitarian state in the last century, and you'll find a population with wild and crazy ideas about what their state was actually capable of doing. The wackos think they've figured out what's really going on... but the reality is that they're just disinformation vectors that maintain power over the people.... literally tools of the state.

If you're staying up late nights worrying that there are mind-control drugs in the water, it makes it a lot easier for those in power to commit more run-of-the-mill abuses.

So have they figured out why this happened yet? It always seems like the media hears something like this and makes a big deal out of it immediately, as if to rile up the conspiracy theorists and religious nutjobs. Then you never hear very much else about what scientists have found or what really happened. I suppose rampant fear sells better than truth though.

Summer of the Shark redux.
A bunch of geese fell out of the sky today . . . .
I belive it had to do with my mossberg :shaking: