Today's yootoob...

Tannerite seems like a good option here :D
One thing I found out about rattle snakes is the force from the strike alone is about the equivalent to being ko'd by a pro boxer!
I had an Eastern as a pet in my younger days.

Actually a very docile snake, not mean as shit like a Moccasin.
You know at first I was like, I am really glad drones are readily available. This is really cool. Then I see this DA fishing it out with a hockey stick. The I realize neither of these DA are wearing any PPE and in fact have shorts on while poking a pit of deadly snakes.

Then I thought. You know, its a shame they didnt stumble and feed those snakes.
wow just wow. that's a whole different version of NOPE
Leave the snakes alone and they'll leave you alone. If a drone flies onto property I'm gonna take it out, just like the snakes did w the gopro.