I had a great time! Many thanks to so many people. Big thanks to JC for bring my seats up from Noah, and a big thanks also for NOT letting me oversleep on Friday LOL
Shawn showed up just in time to climb out of his truck and into my Jeep for a night ride on Friday night. It was extended a little as 3DCrawler's plate that holds his ram mount peeled back and left him without steering. We broke out the Ready Welder and in short time had it back in place and ready to go. But, not before he broke a finger when he hit it while slinging a hammer to straighten out the metal.
Saturday morning brought in around 18-20 CTBers to ride the trails or as a passenger. We had a fun time and covered a lot of ground. We had a large group, actually too large, but did the best we could. I finally got to try out the extension to Amoral. It's awesome!
Back to camp when 3DCrawler had a mis hap and hit a stump, sheering off all four studs that hold his high steer on. We come up with the idea to bolt the drag link to the stock drag link mount of his knuckle to get it on then off his trailer once home.
We had an awesome BBQ dinner with mama's turtles famous BBQ beans! There was very little waiting as Doug was watching as people were walking up, and relayed how many plates was needed. It's there where I bought my raffle tickets for the Grand Cherokee give away.
I WON!!!!!!!
So, as posted earlier, the Jeep will be going to my step daughter Laura, who just happened to have gotten her drivers learner permit on Friday!
Gargantua's thanks to fellow CTBer Rodney Eppes who donated the Jeep as a way for more funds to be bought for the kids of Johnson County TN. Thanks Rodney your heart is near as big as your hat! BTW no new hat needed, it works for you man!
Thanks to Doug for the countless hours in preparation of all of this! and to all the folks behind the scene. It was great.
After Dinner on Saturday, several of us decided we needed to go on another night ride. I had the CTB Commander RJ Mozely riding shotgun with me. I wanted to go somewhere different than where we wheeled so far this weekend, and he suggested Grey trail. Well, it starts off as a hill climb, and continues into more hill climb! He had rode this trail on a part CTB ride and knew that we had to turn right,...somewhere. So, we did. Several times! We finally ended up back on skyline and knew where we were after a good bit of trail and error. I knew that once back at the entrance to tower trail,(on right) and TOW on left, I could go left past TOW and then hang a left, and come into the right side of the camp. I know you can, I do, but it worked out a little different than we expected. Long story short, we ended up at the dead end of Church street. As we came out between two barns, we heard a faint sound of banjo's, so we kept going. we came to a stop sign and those with those fancy phones were trying to figure out just where we were. I recognized auction sign, and took a right, about a mile up the road was Furnace creek road, and back into the camp ground! See guys, I told you I knew the way! LOL
Sunday morning brought some very cloudy Sky's. David looked at the radar and saw we were in for it in about 15 mins. He was right on the money. David and Steve packed up. I knew I didn't have time to, so we rode it out, cooked breakfast and waited for it to stop. I layed back down for a short nap, then we packed up and came home. Didn't leave till about 3, but, I was in no hurry to go anywhere
Also, a great big thanks to Neeta. She was very hospitable and helpful. Even came around with a sprayer to spray for bugs if we needed it. Shower house was nice and clean, and the campground was clean too. Many trash cans around so no problem with a place to put trash. Lot's more to do up there, but she and her crew have made a lot of improvements!