Truck frame rail extension


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2007
Anyone on the board that is capable of welding frame extensions onto my trucks frame or know someone who is? Here are some pictures to illustrate roughly what I need. Top pic is my current frame. And the reason for this is the hitch height is too tall when mounted above the rails and the suspension components keeps the hitch from being slid in tbe current frame rails.
Just realized I put this in general tech, can a mod move it for me please.
So are you wanting to run a receiver or a fith wheel?
I am assuming your building a hauler NOT dedicated to a semi trailer?
So are you wanting to run a receiver or a fith wheel?
I am assuming your building a hauler NOT dedicated to a semi trailer?
Yes a hauler build, no more commercial trailers. Both fifth wheel and a pintle hitch are needed. I bought the fifth wheel already, it's an ET hitch with a gooseneck ball added to it. The red(or purple in earlier build pic) Kenworth actually didn't extend his frame but instead tied it into his bed also. I am concerned that wouldn't be strong enough for the loads I intend to pull. Here is a pic of an et hitch without the gooseneck addition and a few more of some rough representations of my end goal.
ET-Jr-01-1024x685 (1).jpg
Camper should weigh no more than 24k but I would like to be able to pull 30-40k on the pintle or gooseneck if the frame can handle it.
And one more showing the framing on the kw bed
Got a question for you smart folks that know the science of metals.
If you reference the last picture in my first post you will see that he bolted the front of the hitch into the end of the factory frame then tied his bed into the hitch to support it.

I have a little longer hitch but want to do the same thing. Will have 16" of hitch in factory frame and 26" sticking out. Plan to build bed out of 2x3x.250. Was thinking of welding a plate to bed frame that ran from rear of hitch to front of hitch and bolts to the hitch and truck frame. 6 3/4" bolts on each side is my plan, 3 in factory frame and 3 in plate tied to the bed.

Is this safe? Bad design? Good design? Here is a pic of the hitch mocked up into its location.
I've looked at this and studied. Not a lot of input for the amount that's in vs. what is hanging out.
That's a pretty big lever and a lot riding on that necked down portion.
In my head I see some serious grafting going on to eliminate that narrowed down section. Best might be more of a frame extension then working the hitch in and bracing. If your ratio of numbers was reversed I would lean more confidently toward similarities in your idea.
This is damn interesting :popcorn:
Not sure if thats good or bad

I've procrastinated on this for some time because I don't have the knowledge or experience to know what is safe, and not really sure where to turn for info.
Not sure if thats good or bad
:laughing: I guess both. I'm so fascinated with your build. If I had the opportunity to get my CDL's when I was younger I would have a big rig myself, and made my own hauler like Jon (my neighbor up the road with a super C) and built my box the exact way I wanted it. But instead I live vicariously thru builds like this

Andrew is the man. He's seen many a truck reconfigured. One of the smartest fellers I've run across as well. But little too humble to ever admit to it.

If he doesn't feel warm and fuzzy about it...I'm pretty sure he knows someone to ask.
2x3x.250" tube seems out of proportion to the frame. What is the frame? 8-9" tall, 3" wide legs, 1/2" thick?

Post of a pic of what is in front of the hitch. For a lot of reasons, I'd do everything possible to move that hitch forward to the crossmember. Looks like there's enough room to outboard the shocks, but not sure what else is in the way. If you do extend the frame, I'd cut off the red part and extend some big channel or box tubing like the green part, then build a crossmember to support the hitch down low:

A decent fab shop could easily make you up a nice formed plate that would bolt on with the 4 holes in each side, and then run a couple beads of weld for strength and peace of mind. Something like this out of 1/4-3/8", and weld a couple pieces of channel or structural tube to the bottom.
2x3x.250" tube seems out of proportion to the frame. What is the frame? 8-9" tall, 3" wide legs, 1/2" thick?

Post of a pic of what is in front of the hitch. For a lot of reasons, I'd do everything possible to move that hitch forward to the crossmember. Looks like there's enough room to outboard the shocks, but not sure what else is in the way. If you do extend the frame, I'd cut off the red part and extend some big channel or box tubing like the green part, then build a crossmember to support the hitch down low:
View attachment 344083

A decent fab shop could easily make you up a nice formed plate that would bolt on with the 4 holes in each side, and then run a couple beads of weld for strength and peace of mind. Something like this out of 1/4-3/8", and weld a couple pieces of channel or structural tube to the bottom.
View attachment 344084
You draw better with your finger on your phone than I do. Sorry, nothing useful to add.
2x3x.250" tube seems out of proportion to the frame. What is the frame? 8-9" tall, 3" wide legs, 1/2" thick?

Post of a pic of what is in front of the hitch. For a lot of reasons, I'd do everything possible to move that hitch forward to the crossmember. Looks like there's enough room to outboard the shocks, but not sure what else is in the way. If you do extend the frame, I'd cut off the red part and extend some big channel or box tubing like the green part, then build a crossmember to support the hitch down low:
View attachment 344083

A decent fab shop could easily make you up a nice formed plate that would bolt on with the 4 holes in each side, and then run a couple beads of weld for strength and peace of mind. Something like this out of 1/4-3/8", and weld a couple pieces of channel or structural tube to the bottom.
View attachment 344084
Frame is 10" tall with 3.5" flanges and 5/16 thick. Just picked the 2x3x.250 because I thought it would be strong enough to support anything I put on the bed. Here is picture better showing whats in front of the hitch

I slid the hitch into the frame all the way to the shock mounts. I could remove the mounts, mount 1.5" shorter shocks to the hitch plate itself and gain about 6" before I start interfering with the rear axle. Here is a picture of the mounting angle supplied with the hitch butted to the shock mount, it is 4x4x.5 and the hitch is mounted to a 1/2 plate


One of the trucks I've looked at has the hitch fully supported by the bed several feet behind the end of the factory frame. It is made from 4x4.250 for the main rails and mounted to the truck frame with a few bolts front, mid and rear.
I used to think it was bullshit and that welding to truck rails was no big deal even after every old timer in the world said "don't never weld on a truck frame" but I've seen the failures and wouldn't ever do it myself now. Huck bolts And a fabbed up cradle for your hitch is the way to go, it's wild how much the frames on these trucks flex.
I agree with everything jeepingmatt & Braxton have previously stated.

Don’t weld on the frame unless you’re also using the same ksi steel and correct wire and correct shielding gas.

I know on newer trucks the frame rails are usually built out of 120ksi steel. So for example if your frame rail is 120ksi you’re going to want to use wire such as ER120.

also youre creating one helluva moment arm with your hitch that far from centerline rear axle. If I were you I’d steer very clear from welding anuthing to that frame. I’d work with a fab shop to bulid a formed frame extension like Matt was talking about and fasten it w/ hucks.
I also want to add that I have no intentions of doing the frame modification myself, I'm really hoping that @WARRIORWELDING will be able to tackle it for me. I appreciate everybody's input and knowledge. I will keep this thread updated as I get things done.
Called a local shop today and got qouted 7500. Is it just me or is that an extremely retarded price
I have an appointment tomorrow with the guy that built our work truck bed to see if he thinks he wants to do it. We'll see how that goes.