Trying to beef up a bit....

It's easy for me to talk my self out of working out in the evening and make excuses. That's why it's best to do it first thing. Then you go thru your day feeling good and confident about yourself. Not only is it out of he way not hanging over your head, but sometimes I have the motivation to do it a second time in the evening.
Your best bet is going to be going to be earlier. There are three very important parts of health. Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Sleep. If you do start working out pretty hard you'll need the sleep. That's when your body grows/repairs its self. All people are different some only need 6 some need more. But I'd say you should shoot for 8. That's just going to sleep at 10 and waking at 6. Not so different that what you're doing now.
Once you win the battle of motivation in your mind, you are well on your way to being successful at your goal. It starts in your mind. The rest will follow.
I slacked off bad and did nothing but pack on the lbs traveling with work eating fast food and out every meal. It's hard on the road. But I finally got back into the gym with a coworker and he kicks my butt every time we go (3 days a week) it's hard to start back but you just have to do it. Another one of my Co workers has trouble gaining mass but has had good success with a shake 3 times a day.. he gets some high dollar stuff 90 bucks for 11 days...from gnc but it works. He went from 165 to 185 in 3 months. We work 10 hrs a day doing signal construction for the RR and still hit the gym for 2 hrs 3 days a week. So if I can bust my lazy ass all day and make it to the gym so can you! 5'10" weight was 225 I'm now up to 242 same pant size lol
Anabolic steroids and HGH that's what all my puny friends in college did…it was the acne and rage that they didn't like. Several have had heart attacks at 40ish but they got much poon.

Seriously be healthy about whatever you do. I have had many friends that had the same want as you, most went about it the wrong way and are far from healthy now. They did a lot more damage than good.
So let me ask a stupid question.
What's wrong w/ 142 lbs at 5'10"?
What's the problem? Why do you want to gain weight or "bulk up"?
If you just want to be more healthy, then focus on getting a decent diet, reasonable sleep, and some halfway decent exercise on occasion. Take up riding bike on occasional evenings or maybe to work (or even just the last 5 miles to/from work). Take a job during your lunch break at work.
You don't have to "bulk up" to be healthy. 142 lbs at that height sounds pretty healthy to me.
How the f do you only weigh 120 or 140# at 6ft tall? That's what I want to know. I'm a skinny motherfucker, and I weigh 200#.
How the f do you only weigh 120 or 140# at 6ft tall? That's what I want to know. I'm a skinny motherfucker, and I weigh 200#.
Lol I'd say it's almost as easy as being fat and unhealthy is for most people.
And you ain't that damn skinny at #200
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I'm no fitness GURU but I am on a constant workout schedule even with my bad knees. I really think that you need a good trainer to get started. "Good" is the key word there, lol. I have reached out to people in High Point to see where they are going for good training. I'll send you that info when I get it. You need to learn good practices of healthy eating habits along with a good well-rounded workout regime for yourself and your wife. If you were in Charlotte, I would invite you to my gym and trainers so that you could get a good start. I've PMed you some info also.
One of the best, and worst things about forums is the vast amount of opinions you can get on every question but this place is the best so take the good with the bad.
Good luck
I usually wake up now around 7 and ready to leave by 8, but I really don't have much time for anything else. I figured it I could wake up at 5:30 a
So let me ask a stupid question.
What's wrong w/ 142 lbs at 5'10"?
What's the problem? Why do you want to gain weight or "bulk up"?
If you just want to be more healthy, then focus on getting a decent diet, reasonable sleep, and some halfway decent exercise on occasion. Take up riding bike on occasional evenings or maybe to work (or even just the last 5 miles to/from work). Take a job during your lunch break at work.
You don't have to "bulk up" to be healthy. 142 lbs at that height sounds pretty healthy to me.
I have always been the "small kid" always get comments made about me being skinny and for a long time wanted to put on weight, but when I was in school and working after school till late night, I didn't really have the time and wasn't eating much so I think I was down to about 117 lbs 6 years ago and about 2-3 years ago, I was at 126lbs, so I have been gaining, just slowly...and for the last 1.5 years or so...I just cannot get past that 142-143 range.

I know that my goal is pretty farfetched in a reasonable amount of time, but that is just my overall goal of where I would like to be regardless of how long it takes me to get there.
Like I said, I just want to get my energy level back and feel better and look good at the same time.
How the f do you only weigh 120 or 140# at 6ft tall? That's what I want to know. I'm a skinny motherfucker, and I weigh 200#.
When I was his age I was the exact same weight at 5' 9", only 1" shorter. If you look at the typical distribution of weight to height, thats considered fairly normal and healthy.

Now I'm 10 lbs heavier, purely gut gained from eating shit for 10 years longer than he has.
Lol I'm 175lbs at 5'7".... I hit the gym normally 5 times a week. Exams and final projects messed up my schedule. I'm around 17-18% body fat is my guess. In the army I was around 165 and went through a back injury that made me shoot up to 185 when I got out. When I first started back lifting in August I went up to 195.

Like Dr. Kelly keeps saying you have to want it, if you don't mind putting out the work your body doesn't matter. I got my girlfriend into lifting, now she's starting researching it and seeing how you burn more calories than just running all the time. She got me eating healthier and she cooks damn good so win-win for me.

Having someone there who can push you for that last rep but make you keep your form will help out a lot to. Hell I go to snap fitness which isn't a very lets get big kinda gym but they do have a free weight side and a bench. Chest Monday and Friday, legs Tuesday and Thursday, and arms on Wednesday is what I have been doing. I need to do more core workouts but hell I can't even deadlift anymore with my back being all jacked up.

Edit: I'm probably a lot lower in body fat then I think.
The Army said I was "fat" at 163... Their height and weight standards don't fit stocky type build people at all. But you could be 115 lbs and be at the low end of the spectrum.
You cannot change your genetics. I am 6'2" and about to turn 42 yrs old. For the vast majority of my adult life I would say my weight averaged about 183lbs +/- 5 lbs despite lifting moderate weights 2-3 times a week. I would say that put me in the slim/slender build category. About 1.5-2 yrs ago I decided to switch up my fitness program, which was primarily lots of cardio, and try to put on some real muscle. I spent a lot of time reading on the internet and watching youtube videos. I learned a tremendous amount and put it to work. I got up to 206 lbs wearing the same pants still showing a good six pack of abs. Shirts that were once loose became tight. I still don't look 'big' at all. I just think I do not look slim/slender anymore. My next goal is to see if I can get up to 215 lbs. Realistically I expect it to take me 2 yrs to put on those next 10 lbs.
I'm 5'10, 32" waist and 170 lbs of muscle and badassery. I wouldn't change it for anything. If I did, I'd be on the lighter side.
I'm the same height but with a 38" waist and a hundred lbs on ya. I use to lift weights but that was about ten years ago and working at my granddad's sawmill was about 6 years ago. But back then I was 240 lbs. Now that I've stopped working out and quit smoking Ima be a fat boy lol.
I would say that I am a pretty active person. Always getting up the weekends doing stuff outside or in the garage, I think a big problem I have is eating enough to gain weight, I think I pretty much eat enough to maintain. I am trying to snack in between meals and just keep my calorie intake going. I used to drink a big glass of whole milk every morning and every night, maybe I should start doing that again.
I am 6'0 165lbs and a casual gym enthusiast. I can't go more than 3 days without working out in some manner otherwise I feel off, both physically and mentally.

But I did get a large curly fry for lunch, so... yeah.
Also, being lean, toned and functionally strong 145 is far superior to a forced bulking to get to 165 (just using this end weight as an example).

With your current physical condition, you are likely to drop a little weight in the process of changing your body's composition.

If your frame was "built" to handle 145 comfortably, you may find that the near-constant joint pain and muscle soreness that comes with the work required to get to 165 is not worth it and ends up being detrimental to your overall motivation/goals/plans/etc.

Regardless, I would recommend that you start a serious stretching/yoga routine along with your efforts to increase size. You will need the flexibility to better help prevent injury, plus it will help with strengthening the supporting/secondary muscles.

As others have said, sleep and food are going to be your two areas that make the biggest difference in you physical shape/size.
Its crazy people try ot make the old school height weight charts make sense.

I 6'0. 270 ish right now. At 230 I have a clear 6 pack definition beginning. Doc said I needed to be 180...Id have to cut a leg off.
I hate the BMI chart. Whoever came up with it must have been small and wanted to have a level playing field. Kind of like Facebook is for people who can't be social, lol
I hate the BMI chart. Whoever came up with it must have been small and wanted to have a level playing field. Kind of like Facebook is for people who can't be social, lol
What other way would you like to non invasively predict health risk?

BMI is a great way to predict health risk(Ie stroke, diabetes, & a host of others) The correlation is there.

BMI is not a health diagnosis and should never be used as such. Also, should not be used as a determination of overall health.

Height and weight charts should be used as a general guideline not the bottom line. Much more important health assessments that should be used. Cholesterol and blood pressure being among those.