i sure remember that....we saw your group and let you pass since we just got our buddies s10 unstuck..hahaSaw you out there as well I think.....We were coming up Rocky Mount when you were off the side of the trail. I was on an ATV leading a group of three Xterras.
yeah my blazer did everything i pointed it at...i was impressed as this was my virgin off-road trip..Hey orange sonoma, i was rigth behind that willy behind you at going down rocky mount, you did allright for a stocker though
I talked to that guy for a bit. That thing was pretty nasty. I did see him driving it with a small kid in his lap. The kid was sleeping though when the pulled back in the parking lot.Anyone catch a good look at this buggy?? Small block chevy, vw transmission, chain drive!!
did anyone get any pics or vids of either of the red nissans on rocky mount? that was my first time over budweiser. would like to have a picture if anyone snapped one.
thanks in advance!
Where is "budwiser" is this a new obstical?
Yeah we kept pulling off to let the larger groups through.Yea, I think I passed you blazer guys once or twice. I'm gonna be down there the 16th - 19th. Feel free to say hello.
ough yea thanks Josh, lets post the pics of the first time I break my stuff and not post any of the obsticals that I did make it over, you know the one like, the one like the one that one day.this is for you joe.....
you should have seen once I got it out, the short shaft wouldnt come thru the knuckle and I had to turn the wheel to get the inner shaft out.Joe I think that might look a little worse than mine.