1. Here is the info from Terry.
Rocky Mountain Loop Trail – install 3 sections of guardrail. Two will be extending existing guardrail and one would be new installation. These 3 sites are very close to each other. We will need to transport/drag a total of 6 long (25 ft) rails and 7 posts. We’ll have a Bobcat & Auger lined up for that day thanks to the many clubs and volunteers that have donated money for the rental. For this project site we’ll be heading in from the Dutch John Trail.
2. Dutch John Trail – install several sections of guardrail. The guardrail and posts are already on site. This will be finishing up the guardrail work that was begun last year but we had a mishap with the old auger. We’ll be using our newer hand augers and our muscles to install these at the bottom of the hill climb on Dutch John Trail near its intersection with Slab Pile Trail.