Uwharrie OHV Trail Map

Are you gonna be out there today HDG? I need to go try out this map and show some new folks around and a tasty hot dog would be great!
If you see this and you're going to be out there can you text me at 704.287.8318?
Thanks for the map Eli!! Looks great!! I'm warming up the laminator now!!
Yes we were there and we will be there this weekend(saturday Dec 3)! I don't think mosquito's and bee's will be a problem! LOL
Yes we were there and we will be there this weekend(saturday Dec 3)! I don't think mosquito's and bee's will be a problem! LOL

I saw you. I was with the group of 4 Jeep Jks. You got all my money!! I hadn't been able to find you when I have been out there with the kids. They thought you were my imaginary friend. Thanks for the hot lunch!! And proving to my kids I'm not crazy......
My apologies to anyone that all ready printed out their map and got it laminated. The Forest Service has changed the trail numbers for 3 trails, and I figured while I was at it I would put the new Lake View Trail on there. So one more update to the Map.

You have road 1154, and google has it listed as 544 and Mullinix Rd. I see the official URE trail map has 1154. Google also has.. well check it out for yourself: http://g.co/maps/7jwsg

I'm trying to figure out how to get google to change the names since they seem to be incorrect or outdated, at least according to the FS maps. Problem is people are more likely to use google on their phone rather than look at a map. 554 and 544 and 1154 all seem very confusing. EDIT: I changed in in google, it just has to be reviewed. Hopefully what you have is right and the new map guy at URE is not going to change it like he is doing with the trails.
There's a "report a problem" button on the bottom right. You can click it, move it to the problem area, and then type a description of what's wrong. They'll fix it.
My understanding from what Terry Savery said at the last workday is that someone involved with the maps/map printing told them (the Forest Service) they needed to drop the trail designations that included alphanumeric representations to a numeric only system. So 92A, 89A, 96A, etc wasn't going to cut it anymore. So there isn't anything leading me to believe they will change the road numbers, but you never know I guess.
As Scott has made a public announcement about the Private Land (Uwharries Edge) that will be opening I will mention this about the map. In order to include that OHV system and its location the map would have to be completely overhauled. It would result in a smaller less detailed map which defeats the purpose of the map. But what I will be doing after the Jamboree (when the location of the OHV System has been made public) is I will include on the current maps and arrow/direction to where the OHV System will be.
I just noticed that imageshack wasn't co-operating and had downsized the latest map upload. I have re-uploaded it so now when you click the "Full Size" link it will bring up the full size map. Again if anyone has suggestions/comments please feel free to share them. I hear some things from people I see on the trails with it, but I am always open to ideas.
I learned, & worked these trails, ever since the CTB, started the Volunteer work on them. Trails had/have NAMES! I don't know or Care why they are changing to Numbers. It confuses even the trail riders With Maps! I doubt I will ever learn the Number system, nor do I care too! Just my personal feelings!:(
could the map be remade into a 11x17 paper format. Any office store can print and laminate an 11x17 sheet and it would then have enough room to include Uwharries Edge.

I can work on sizing it to 11x17 no problem. But as far as Uwharrie's Edge goes the understanding is the property isn't fully open to the public so I haven't added it. So it won't be on the map till I get the green light to do so from Scott.
A good map for those that all ready know their way around and want a topo-overlay style. Not sure how well it would fit on a piece of paper sized down. :beer:

If you use Google Earth you can overlay a picture on the map and make it semi transparent. From there you can trace the trails and see the terrain. Save it as a .kml and import that into Google Custom Maps. Here is the results of the process.
This is editable by all and you can add your own placemarks and edit the trail data. When it comes up you just hit Edit and make changes or add the DUI checkpoints!

I just took Eli's map imported it to google earth and resized it to match the roads.

I basically did this becasue I am waiting for a build of software at work and I am bored out of my mind. I have the original .kml if you want that for Google earth.
Here's an 8.5x11 map I produced a while back. The topos are a unique item I've concocted. Won an award at an International conference in 2005 for the topo quad version. I've since done the horse trails as well, though they are on yet another map.

Sorry I don't have the new trail on there yet.



  • ChilcoteUwharrie8x11.pdf
    1.1 MB · Views: 2,374
Here's an 8.5x11 map I produced a while back. The topos are a unique item I've concocted. Won an award at an International conference in 2005 for the topo quad version. I've since done the horse trails as well, though they are on yet another map.

Sorry I don't have the new trail on there yet.


Pretty cool!
Are there any updates with the new/rerouted/closed trails planned?

This is an extremely late reply but I will be updating the map for the 2014 season to reflect the closures and any new openings/re-openings. I am not on here like I used to be so I missed this post. I haven't wheeled at URE at all since the first winter workday so I am behind on a lot of things.
Hey Y'all,
Eli's map has the lake view trail opening Oct 2012 ... is this trail open ? If so, what's it like?