Uwharrie Trail Work Day #10, February 26th

Will You Be Attending?

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Uwharrie Off-Road Volunteering
Oct 23, 2007
Weddington, NC
Ok this will be one of 2 off-season work days, the next one will be March 26th. Terry Savery hasn't sent out the work load e-mail, but my guess is there will be at least some guard rail install. What can be guaranteed is like with any other off-season work day it will be a heavy load day. Pending her e-mail we will probably need an equipment rental. I am open to any options. The Bobcat did great with breaking through the rocks using the Auger. The tractor/auger combo didn't have as much luck in the rocky areas. We do know we need something with tracks so we don't get stuck again, because the Tractor at least didn't get stuck.

Tentative Schedule will be:

8AM : Volunteer Breakfast at the Outpost.
9AM : Meet at the Hunt Camp
1PM : LUNCH at the Hotdog Stand (Presumably)

I will update this main post with more information as I get it. I just wanted to get this out a little bit more than a month in advance so we can make sure everyone has plenty of time to make arrangements etc.
What all goes on at a trail work day? Just ride the trail and put up markers, pick up trash, and put up gaurd rails?

Is there one big group, or do you split into groups and take on different trails?

I would like to get out there and help out but have no clue what goes on.
What all goes on at a trail work day? Just ride the trail and put up markers, pick up trash, and put up gaurd rails?

Is there one big group, or do you split into groups and take on different trails?

I would like to get out there and help out but have no clue what goes on.

Off-Season work days we usually stay in one big group and put up guard rail, repair erosion, clean out ditches, etc. Usually there is someone with the Forest Service with us also.

During Open-Season work days the work load can vary from light loads (trash pickup, put up trail diamonds, etc) to heavy loads of guard railing, cleaning out ditches, repairing erosion, etc. We usually we stick in one group, but can cover various trails. All depends, sometimes we split up and hit multiple trails when we have bigger groups. It varies work day to work day.

Work days are not only a great way to help keep our trails open, but they are a great way to stay informed on what is going on with the trail system. You get to talk to the Forest Service, and get the up to date details on what is going.
I'm sure I can't be alone on this, but can we ask for a couple people to go around a mark the yellow/orange tree tags with the trail numbers. Lots of them are not marked.

I know everyone here is hesitant about helping out the atv'ers, but some of us that follow the rules get lost and turned around from time to time.

I'd be more than happy to jump out with my sharpie and mark some of them.
I'll be there, I might not be in the Yota but I'll be there some how. I also agree with the markers, last time I rode for about ten mins. before seeing one.
I wish i could make this one Ill shoot for the next one for sure!
Gonna have to bow out of this one. I have tons of stuff lined up for the end of Feb and I don't even have a rig that's trail worthy at the moment.
Hopefully it will be easier to remember because I will be handing out 2011 stickers also. Here is what the 2011 stickers look like on the larger sticker:


(Gold for 2010, Platinum for 2011, who knows for 2012)

Here are the green 2011 and platinum 2011:


(The trail passes are just a couple of the ones I have come up with. Those are for Terry Savery, Deborah Walker, Officer Foote, and some weird hot dog dude.... lol )
I hope its warm because I want the doors and top off for my ride up there. That and I might bring a few buddies to work as well.
I'll be there. Also, my oldest daughter needs to do some volunteer hours for a school project and she picked Uwharrie. Sweet! She might not be in to putting up guard rail, but we would happily drive around putting up tree markers, collecting trash, stuff like that.

Can't make this one, already planned to attend the EFIRD Memorial ride, if you can shoot me a PM when you get more information for the March 26th workday that would be great, the group has been asking me about getting into the cleanups/trail work days and I haven't had an answer, somehow I always overlook this subforum.

I'm gonna let you down and I'm sorry! I'll be at the Efrid Memorial Ride that day. I wanted another perfect attendance this year again. I'll make it up to you some how. I'm sorry guys! Your Hot Dog Guy!
I think I am going to finally make it to one Eli. Going to park the rig at the Outpost or somewhere. do nto want to run the trail with my street tires.
I am still planning to be there to help out. Should I bring any specific tools?