Uwharrie Trail Work Day #12, April 16th

Will You Be Attending?

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It rained on and off in the morning and let up around 9. Then the storms rolled in a little after 12 and lasted until 2ish, then turned beautiful and sunny.

23 volunteers. 35 Bags of trash. We has the Isuzu/Mitsu people doing spring fling pitch in and help. 22 bags off the trails and 13 bags off a small stretch leading away from arrowhead on the forest service road. Impressive and at the same time sad.

Sunday we got some good trail time in. I watched one guy on daniel walking up with a paper bag with some more trash in it, wad it up and toss it on the ground. I walked over, picked it up and tossed it in my jeep, he looked at me like I was an asshole. :confused:
Thanks! We got up there after 10 and rode till 3. I picked up some when it was not raining. Got to clean the jeep out now. :rolleyes:
Any body get wet at URE? Did any work get done or rained out?
We (the Isuzu folks) got soaked.
Notice rain running down windshield,and wipers were on hi


We got caught on rocky mount when the storm hit...the trails were muddy rivers:lol:
We did clean up alot and turned in our bags to the dumpster at arrowhead
Thanks Eli for coordinating:beer:
We (the Isuzu folks) got soaked.
Notice rain running down windshield,and wipers were on hi

We got caught on rocky mount when the storm hit...the trails were muddy rivers:lol:
We did clean up alot and turned in our bags to the dumpster at arrowhead
Thanks Eli for coordinating:beer:

Be sure to pass along the thanks to you alls group!:beer::beer:
Well I'm sorry we didn't make it but sorta glad we didn't try it.
I know there's more pics and stuff. :bounce2:
Big thanks to Doug and the Isuzu-crew plus Mitsubishi-crew that made this work day a success. Thanks to Brian for hanging in there with me and helping essentially organize a work day and the people attending a weekend event. It shines a good light that the groups associated with NC4X4 (both the Isuzu and Mitsu crew are on here) are helping out also. :beer:
'sposed to be some pics somewhere. *nudge*:lol: